六十年代末、七十年代初当”前卫””概念””实验”等口号被喊地震天价响时,King Crimson(KC)是当中最优秀的理论与实践者之一;八十年代九十年代当此类经典乐团解体(ELP)或被主流收编(Yes)时,King Crimson仍路遥知马力般的摇滚着。无论现今摇滚的潮流为何,吾人仍不能否认当年KC所创造或遗留下的概念、技巧、精神正影响着现在想要突破的乐团,而他们的成就也成为后世前卫团体所无法突破的”梦靥”。
出生于英国Dorset城的吉他手Robert Fripp二十二岁时与兄弟档Peter Giles、Mike Giles共组乐团并于1968年推出同名专辑,为KC的开端。1968年秋诗人Pete Sinfield与吉他手Ian McDonald等人加入经历一段人事变化后,终于在诗人Pete Sinfield的词”In the court of the crimson king”中找到了他们要的团名:King Crimson。
由于经历了无数的人事更动、更改团名、诉讼、解散等事件,所以King Crimson的团名也不具有音乐上齐一风格的延续色彩。我们可以说团名不过是一项计画 ,由灵魂人物Robert Fripp主宰的experimental/progressive rock project。这个计画的主要内容分为三阶段。
1969年七月,KC在伦敦海德公园免费演唱会与Rolling Stones共同出场。这是KC的首次公开亮相,他们以爵士/古典/前卫表演风格演出了首张专辑中曲子,令人印象深刻。
第一张专辑:In the court of the crimson king绝对是前卫摇滚专辑当中的经典作,后世极难跨越的标竿。当年他们以杰出的诗词、华丽的编曲、即兴的演奏吸引了不少目光(当然只是这样还不足以形容),立刻在在英国专辑成绩爬到前五名,正式开启了前卫摇滚的新页。为了显现出他们的时代精神,在 In the court of crimson king唱片封套上揭示了”An observation by King Crimson” 的概念。整体而言,创作魅力集中在Robert的编曲手法和Peter如诗般的歌词。
1969年首张专辑的成功并不能确保团员的向心力。两兄弟率先于十一月离团,主唱兼贝斯手Greg不满Robert Fripp找来的替代团员也跟原先在The Nice的键盘手Keith Emerson讨论组团事宜。Keith就是后来前卫/艺术摇滚名团E.L.P的”E”,而Greg就是当中的”L”。
1970年Greg确定离团,但他也跟Robert协议仍共同合作KC的第二张专辑。结果又是另一张前卫摇滚史上的经典作品。Greg照旧演唱所有作品,而Robert则找来孩提好友Gordon Haskell演唱一首慢板歌曲以预备接替未来主唱职务。In the wake of poseidon是场质疑战争/和平/温和/暴力的旅程。封面绘图原题为人的十二种原型,把人的各种心理状态描绘地栩栩如生。
1970年后原主唱Grey Lake离团加入ELP,KC马不停蹄的发行更令人难以想像的Lizard。比前两张用更多爵士即兴演奏,肯定需要乐迷花时间慢慢消化。平心而论,Lizard在当年的反应不顶好乃因新主唱Gordon Haskell的表现评价好坏兼半所致;有人则批评Robert Fripp在这儿开始迷失于声音实验而忽略了市场反应。换句话说,KC自此起就不以销售考量为主。就音乐本身而言,这会是场更诡异、更乖张,令人不舒服的聆赏经验,不是每个乐迷都能接受的。据说Robert Fripp对它的成绩也不满意,因此又造成团员的流动。
1970年KC开始巡回演出,不久又由于音乐理念不同而使原始团员求去。Island基本上是介于团员整期间所衍生的过渡专辑,在英国仍有前三十名的排行成绩。Robert在这里采用实验色彩较不浓厚的方式中规中矩地表达意念,并更大量使用mellotron来模拟管弦乐音色。此外,临时编制特大也是令人注目的。在专辑中表现杰出的有Keith Tippett弹piano, Robin Miller吹oboe及Mark Charig的cornet。还有一项特点是专辑艺术设计奇美无比,封面有关猎户星座的插图颇有看头。
在许多老KC迷眼中,第二代的king crimson似乎是真正成熟起飞的开始。原先曲高和寡的诗人Pete Sinfield求去,由较能令人了解的Richard Palmer-James代替。原先任性狂飙的铜管乐器组合也被小提琴天才David Cross的高超琴艺取代,表现出跟从前截然不同的曲风。John Wetton较为人所知的是他在七十年代末组的UK及八十年代初组的Asia,相较那些同样是all-star的超级乐团,其实我个人更欣赏他在KC时期的表现。这时Robert Fripp带领KC到真正科技/前卫摇滚,而不再是以前的古典/艺术摇滚的范畴。展现出紧凑、团结、兼顾商业色彩与音效实验的崭新组合。
第五张专辑:Larks’ tongues in aspic在1972年发行,被公认为新旧KC的分水岭。跟以前{KC 1}比起来乐曲间较有整体气氛凝成一气,当然也少了些从前庸懒的感觉。主唱John的嗓音特色未能放开故使乐器演奏成为真正焦点。David Cross在此表现抢眼。
令人感到讽刺的是1974年初starless and bible black竟然是第一次KC以固定编制延续发行的专辑。虽然说人事更迭或许可以激发出创意新火花,但也会造成给乐迷不确定感与默契搭配上的严重问题。感到欣慰的是,KC于颠峰期的两张专辑应该是没有团员冲突发生的。由于Larks’ tongues in aspic受肯定,KC整个73年都在巡回演出,各种乐器演奏技巧与团员默契到达极致。新专辑中八首歌只有两首歌是全部在录音室构思制作完成,其余歌曲都是现场实况即兴演出。原汁原味的挥洒,更能展现KC高超的技巧与实验精神。
但之后,Red却成为成熟高峰期的KC所发行的最后专辑。John Wetton充满忧愁的甜美嗓音已成为绝响了,因为不久团员们又因合作理念不同僵持不下。Robert Fripp在1974年九月决定解散king crimson,John Wetton短暂加入Uriah Heep并在八十年代以Asia的主唱名闻全球。1975年十一月,Robert Fripp开始与替其他艺人跨刀合作,正式开始他与其他作曲家一连串的音效实验计画。
king crimson到底是不是一个”团”呢?其实由KC在八十年代后的发展我们就知道答案了。基本上,king crimson只是一个持续由Robert Fripp主导,类似Alan Parson在Alan Parsons Projects的地位,由当时精英乐手所合组的音乐计画罢了。1981年四月,Robert号召另一群乐手组成Discipline,但在同年十一月发表同名专辑时又把团名改回king crimson。然而,并不是每个乐迷都喜欢八十年代KC的组合。相信有很多老乐迷认为三阶段的KC应有三种不同的团名以资区别;而且他们不习惯新主唱 Adrian Belew所带来的新观念,认为参入太多流行音乐元素,且缺乏从前迷人的即兴演奏。
新面孔KC的归来得到了销售与乐评满堂采。Discipline与In the court of the crimson king并列为KC销售量与单曲知名度最高的专辑,一方面归功于Robert长久以来积累的口碑,另方面则是新实验乐风所带来的新鲜感。1982年趁{KC 3}新出击的成功再接再厉发行了Beat,乐曲结构上凝聚力较Discipline强,但评价未如预期。有人说Beat音乐素材跟Discipline几近一致,但未有创新。本张专辑的魅力仍然是在于Robert与Adrian的吉他弹奏、Levin的十弦贝斯威力、与Adrian天马行空令人似懂非懂似的歌词。
停顿了将近六年,不服老的KC在这段期间则兼差从事不同领域的音乐工作,Bill Bruford自组前卫爵士演奏团Earthwork得到不错口碑;Tony Levin则是Peter Gabriel巡回演出时的基本成员,而两人亦同时为Yes于1991年传奇性重组Union时的特别成员。当中发行了套装精选及现场专辑吊足了乐迷胃口。1994年先是VROOOM与Dinosaur两张暖身单曲相继出版,随即Thrak正式发行。


│ ├─King Crimson Discipline – 1981
│ ├─King Crimson In The Court Of Crimson King (50th anniversary edition)(2019 2LP)(DSF)
│ ├─King Crimson Lizard (2020)
│ ├─King Crimson THRAK (1995, Re2019 UK)
│ ├─King Crimson [1970] Lizard (1977, 2302 059, UK, Reissue) DSD
│ └─King Crimson [1971] Islands (1987, EGLP 5, UK, Reissue) DSD
│ ├─1969 King Crimson – In The Court Of The Crimson King
│ ├─1970 King Crimson – In The Wake Of Poseidon
│ ├─1970 King Crimson – Lizard
│ ├─1971 King Crimson – Islands
│ ├─1972 King Crimson – Earthbound
│ ├─1973 King Crimson – Larks’ Tongues In Aspic
│ ├─1974 King Crimson – Red
│ ├─1974 King Crimson – Starless And Bible Black
│ ├─1975 King Crimson – The Young Persons’ Guide To King Crimson
│ ├─1975 King Crimson – USA
│ ├─1981 King Crimson – Discipline
│ ├─1982 King Crimson – Beat
│ └─1984 King Crimson – Three Of A Perfect Pair
│ ├─1969 – In the Court of the Crimson King
│ ├─1969 – In the Court of the Crimson King (2009 Remix)
│ ├─1970 – In the Wake of Poseidon
│ ├─1970 – In the Wake of Poseidon (2010 Remix)
│ ├─1970 – Lizard
│ ├─1970 – Lizard (2009 Remix)
│ ├─1971 – Islands
│ ├─1971 – Islands (2010 Remix)
│ ├─1973 – Larks’ Tongues In Aspic
│ ├─1973 – Larks’ Tongues In Aspic (2012 Remix)
│ ├─1974 – Red
│ ├─1974 – Starless and Bible Black
│ ├─1974 – Starless and Bible Black (2011 Remix)
│ ├─1981 – Discipline
│ ├─1981 – Discipline (2011 Remix)
│ └─2011 – Jakszyk, Fripp and Collins – A Scarcity of Miracles
├─Artwork only
│ ├─1969. In The Court Of The Crimson King [2009, UK, KCSP1]
│ ├─1973. Larks’ Tongues In Aspic [2012, UK, KCSP5]
│ ├─1975. USA [2006, Japan, IECP-10011]
│ ├─1981. Discipline [2011, UK, KCSP8]
│ ├─1982. Beat [2016, EU, KCSP9]
│ ├─1984. Three Of A Perfect Pair [2016, EU, KCSP10]
│ ├─1995. THRAK [2015, UK, KCSP13]
│ ├─1997. Epitaph [UK, DGM9607]
│ ├─2002. Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With (EP) [2008, US, DGM0517]
│ ├─2003. EleKtriK – Live In Japan 2003 [2006, Japan, IECP-10049]
│ ├─2003. The Power To Believe [2008, US, DGM0515]
│ ├─2003. The Power To Believe [UK, SANCD-155]
│ └─2011. A Scarcity Of Miracles [Japan, IECP-10239]
├─Box, compilations
│ ├─1969-1972 LP Box Set 24-48
│ │ ├─LP1 In The Court Of The Crimson King
│ │ ├─LP2 In The Wake Of Poseidon
│ │ ├─LP3 Lizard
│ │ ├─LP4 Islands
│ │ ├─LP5 An Alternative Guide to King Crimson (1969-72) LP 1
│ │ └─LP5 An Alternative Guide to King Crimson (1969-72) LP 2
│ ├─1999. Cirkus – The Young Persons’ Guide To King Crimson Live
│ │ ├─2006, EU, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0603
│ │ └─2006, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0603
│ ├─1999. The Collectors’ King Crimson Volume One
│ │ └─1999, Japan, Pony Canyon, PCCY-01394
│ ├─2000. The Collectors’ King Crimson Volume Three
│ │ └─2000, Japan, Pony Canyon, PCCY-01467
│ ├─2000. The Collectors’ King Crimson Volume Two
│ │ └─2000, Japan, Pony Canyon, PCCY-01440
│ ├─2001. The Collectors’ King Crimson Volume Five
│ │ └─2001, Japan, Pony Canyon, PCCY-01539
│ ├─2001. The Collectors’ King Crimson Volume Four
│ │ └─2001, Japan, Pony Canyon, PCCY-01493
│ │ └─2004, Japan, Universal, UICE-9070~1
│ ├─2002. The Collectors’ King Crimson Volume Seven
│ │ └─2002, Japan, Univesal Int., UICE-1046~9
│ ├─2002. The Collectors’ King Crimson Volume Six
│ │ └─2002, Japan, Pony Canyon, PCCY-01583
│ ├─2004. The Collectors’ King Crimson Volume Eight
│ │ └─2004, Japan, Univesal Int., UICE-1101~4
│ ├─2004. The Collectors’ King Crimson Volume Nine
│ │ └─2004, Japan, Univesal Int., UICE-1117~9
│ ├─2006. The Collectors’ King Crimson Volume Ten
│ │ └─2006, Japan, WHD Entertainment, IECP-20005~10
│ ├─2007. The Collectable King Crimson Volume 2
│ │ └─2007, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM5003
│ ├─2008. The Collectable King Crimson Volume 3
│ │ └─2008, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM5006
│ ├─2010. The Collectable King Crimson Volume 5
│ │ └─2010, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM5010
│ ├─2012. Lark’s Tongues In Aspic. The Complete Recordings
│ │ └─2013, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, KCCBX5
│ ├─2013. The Road To Red
│ │ └─2013, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, KCCBX7
│ ├─2014. Starless
│ │ └─2014, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, KCCBX6
│ ├─2015. THRAK Box
│ │ └─2015, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, KCCBX13
│ ├─2016. On (And Off) The Road
│ │ └─2016, EU, Discipline Global Mobile, KCCBX8
│ ├─2018. Audio Diary 5 CD Box
│ ├─2018. Koseinenkin Kaikan, Tokyo Japan, October 3, 1995
│ ├─2018. Meltdown – Live in Mexico (3xCD)
│ ├─2018. Discipline [30th anniversary edition]
│ ├─2019. Heaven & Earth (18CD A Super Deluxe Box Set Panegyric Records)
│ │ ├─CD01 2000 ReConstruKction Of Light
│ │ ├─CD02 2002 Happy With… & 2001 Level 5
│ │ ├─CD03 2003 Power To Believe
│ │ ├─CD04 ProjeKct One, London December 4, 1997
│ │ ├─CD05 ProjeKct Two, Baltimore May 2, 1998
│ │ ├─CD06 ProjeKct Four, San Francisco November 2, 1998
│ │ ├─CD07 ProjeKct Three, Austin March 23, 1999
│ │ ├─CD08 2000 Live ConstruKction 1
│ │ ├─CD09 2000 Live ConstruKction 2
│ ├─2019. In The Court of the Crimson King (50th Anniversary Box Set)
│ │ ├─2019 5.1 Mixes
│ │ ├─2019 Instrumental Mixes
│ │ ├─2019 Stereo Mixes
│ │ ├─Additional Material
│ │ ├─Alternate Album
│ │ └─Original Master Edition
│ ├─2019. The Elements (Tour Box)
│ └─2020. The Elements Tour Box
├─Collectors Club
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC1 Live at the Marquee 1969 (1998) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC10 Live in Central Park NYC 1974 (2000) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC11 Live at Moles Club Bath 1981 (2000) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC12 Live in Hyde Park 1969 (2002) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC13 Nashville Rehearsals 1997 (2000) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC14 Live at Plymouth Guildhall 1971 (2001) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC15 Live in Mainz 1974 (2001) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC16 Live in Berkeley 1982 (2001) [SPECIAL]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC17 ProjeKct Two Live in Northampton 1998 (2001) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC18 Detroit (1971) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC19 Live in Nashville 2001 (2002) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC2 Live at Jacksonville 1972 (1998) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC20 Live at the Zoom Club 1972 (2002) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC21 Champaign-Urbana Sessions 1983 (2002) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC22 ProjeKct One – Jazz Cafe Suite 1997 (2003) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC23 Live in Orlando 1972 (2003) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC24 Live in Guildford 1972 (2003) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC25 Live at Fillmore East 1969 (2004) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC26 Live in Philadelphia 1982 (2004) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC27 ProjeKct Three Live in Austin 1999 (2004) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC28 Live in Warsaw 2000 (2004) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC29 Live in Heildelberg 1974 (2005) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC3 The Beat Club Bremen 1972 (1999) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC30 Live in Brighton 1971 (2005) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC31 Live at the Wiltern 1995 (2005) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC32 Live in Munich 1982 (2006) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC33 ProjeKct Two Live in Chicago 1998 (2006) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC34 ProjeKct Three Live in Alexandria 2003 (2007) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC35 Live in Denver (1972) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC36 Live in Kassel (1974) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC37 Live at the Pier (1982) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC38 Live in Philadelphia (1996) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC39 Live In Milan (2003) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC4 Live at Cap D’Adge 1982 (1999) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC40 Live in Boston (1972) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC41 Live in Zurich (1973) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC42 Radio City Music Hall New York NY (2019) [FLAC] 24-44
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC5-6 On Broadway 1995 (1999) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC7 ProjeKct Four Live in San Francisco 1998 (1999) [FLAC]
│ ├─King Crimson – KCCC8 The VROOOM Sessions 1994 (1999) [FLAC]
│ └─King Crimson – KCCC9 Live at Summit Studios Denver 1972 (2000) [FLAC]
├─EP’s, singles
│ ├─1991. The Abbreviated King Crimson – Heartbeat
│ │ └─1991, USA, Caroline, CAROL 1467-2
│ ├─1994. VROOOM
│ │ ├─1994, Japan, Pony Canyon Int., PCCY-00630
│ │ ├─1994, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0004
│ │ └─1994, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DR 9401 2
│ ├─1995. Dinosaur
│ │ └─1995, USA, Virgin, V25H-38480
│ ├─1995. Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream
│ │ └─1995, USA, Discipline Global Mobile, 7243 8 38519 2 8 V25G-38519
│ ├─1996. Schizoid Man
│ │ └─1996, EU, Virgin, VSCDG 1597
│ ├─2001. Level Five
│ │ ├─2006, Japan, WHD Entertainment, IECP-10047
│ │ └─2008, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0518
│ └─2002. Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With
│ └─2002, Japan, Universal, UICE-1027 (aka Shoganai)
│ ├─1972. Earthbound
│ │ ├─2002, Holland, Virgin, CDVKCX11
│ │ └─2002, Japan, Pony Canyon, PCCY 01615
│ ├─1975. USA
│ │ ├─2002, Japan, Pony Canyon Inc., PCCY-01616
│ │ ├─2004, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0512
│ │ └─2013, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, KCSP12
│ ├─1992. The Great Deceiver (Live 1973 – 1974)
│ │ └─1992, Japan, Pony Canyon, PCCY-00393
│ ├─1995. B’BOOM – Official Bootleg
│ │ └─1995, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM9503
│ ├─1996. THRaKaTTaK
│ │ ├─1996, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM9604
│ │ └─1996, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM9604
│ ├─1997. Epitaph. Volumes One & Two
│ │ └─1997, Japan, Pony Canyon Inc., PCCY-01087
│ ├─1997. Epitaph. Volumes Three & Four
│ │ └─1997, Japan, Pony Canyon Inc., PCCY-01180
│ ├─1997. The Night Watch
│ │ └─2006, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM 9707
│ ├─1998. Absent Lovers
│ │ ├─1998, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM9804
│ │ └─1998, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM9804, Mispress
│ ├─2000. Heavy ConstruKction
│ │ └─2000, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0013
│ ├─2002. Ladies Of The Road
│ │ └─2002, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0203
│ ├─2003. EleKtriK – Live In Japan 2003
│ │ └─2003, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0302
│ ├─2003. The Power To Believe Tour Box
│ │ └─2003, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0301
│ ├─2007. The Great Deceiver – Part One
│ │ └─2007, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM5004
│ ├─2007. The Great Deceiver – Part Two
│ │ └─2007, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM5005
│ ├─2008. 40th Anniversary Tour Box
│ │ └─2008, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0801
│ ├─2014. The Elements (2014 Tour Box)
│ │ └─2014, EU, Discipline Global Mobile, KCTB14
│ ├─2015. Live At The Orpheum
│ │ └─2015, EU, Discipline Global Mobile, DGMSP2
│ ├─2015. The Elements (2015 Tour Box)
│ │ └─2015, EU, Discipline Global Mobile, KCTB15
│ ├─2016. Live In Toronto
│ │ └─2016, EU, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM5013
│ ├─2016. Live In Vienna+2016 Live In Tokyo 2015 Box set [3CD]
│ ├─2016. Radical Action (To Unseat The Hold Of Monkey Mind)
│ │ └─2016, EU, Discipline Global Mobile, KCXP5001
│ ├─2016. The Elements (2016 Tour Box)
│ │ └─2016, EU, Discipline Global Mobile, KCTB16
│ ├─2017. Live In Chicago 28 June 2017 [24-96]
│ ├─2018. Live In Vienna (3CD, DGM, EU, Poland, KCXP5002)
│ ├─2018. Tribute To The Love Generation, Tokyo, Japan, October 02, 2000
│ ├─2019. Live In Newcastle (December 8, 1972) CLUB48
│ ├─2019. The Stanley Theatre, Pittsburgh PA
│ └─2021. Music Is Our Friend Live In Washington D.C
│ ├─1998. Live at the Jazz Cafe
│ ├─1998. Live In Northampton, MA
│ ├─1998. Space Groove (ProjeKct Two)
│ │ ├─1998, Japan, Pony Canyon Inc., PCCY-01225
│ │ └─1998, USA, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM9801
│ ├─1999. live groove
│ ├─1999. Masque
│ ├─1999. The Deception Of The Thrush (A Beginner’s Guide To ProjeKcts)
│ │ └─2000, Japan, Pony Canyon Inc., PCCY-01456
│ ├─1999. The ProjeKcts
│ │ └─1999, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM9913
│ ├─1999. West Coast Live
│ ├─2000. Heaven & Earth (ProjeKct X)
│ │ └─2000, USA, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0005
│ ├─2000. The Roar Of P4
│ ├─2011. A Scarcity Of Miracles (A King Crimson ProjeKct)
│ │ └─2011, EU, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM1101
│ ├─2019. Heaven And Earth
│ └─2019. The ReconstruKction Of Light – Heaven & Earth
├─Studio (non-rem.)
│ ├─1969. In The Court Of The Crimson King
│ │ ├─1987, Japan, EMI-Toshiba, 32VD-1063
│ │ └─1987, US, Jem Records Inc., EGCD 1
│ ├─1970. In The Wake Of Poseidon
│ │ ├─1987, Japan, Jem Records Inc., EGCD 2
│ │ ├─1988, Japan, Virgin, VJD-28002
│ │ └─1989, UK, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 2
│ ├─1970. Lizard
│ │ ├─1987, France, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 4
│ │ ├─1988, Japan, Virgin, VJD-28019
│ │ └─1993, UK, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 4
│ ├─1971. Islands
│ │ ├─1987, Sweden, Jem Records Inc., EGCD 5
│ │ ├─1987, UK, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 5
│ │ └─1988, Japan, Virgin, VJD-28020
│ ├─1973. Larks’ Tongues In Aspic
│ │ ├─1987, Japan, EMI-Toshiba, 32VD-1122
│ │ └─1988, Japan, Virgin, VJD-28003
│ ├─1974. Red
│ │ ├─1987, Holland, Virgin, EGCD 15
│ │ ├─1987, Japan, EMI-Toshiba, 32VD-1086
│ │ ├─1987, UK, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 15
│ │ └─1988, Japan, Virgin, VJD-28021
│ ├─1974. Starless And Bible Black
│ │ ├─1987, Japan, EMI-Toshiba, 32VD-1123
│ │ ├─1987, Sweden, Jem Records Inc., EGCD 12
│ │ ├─1987, UK, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 12
│ │ └─1988, Japan, Virgin, VJD-28004
│ ├─1981. Discipline
│ │ ├─1983, W-Germany, Polydor, 800 099-2
│ │ ├─1986, US, Warner Bros., 3629-2
│ │ ├─1987, Japan, EMI-Toshiba, 32VD-1087
│ │ └─1988, Japan, Virgin, VJD-28022
│ ├─1982. Beat
│ │ ├─1984, W-Germany, Warner Bros., 9 23692-2
│ │ └─1987, Japan, EMI-Toshiba, 32VD-1088
│ ├─1984. Three Of A Perfect Pair
│ │ ├─1984, W-Germany, Warner Bros., 9 25071-2
│ │ └─1988, Japan, Virgin, VJD-28005
│ ├─1995. THRAK
│ │ ├─1995, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, KCCDY 1-7243 8 40313 2 9
│ │ ├─1995, US, Virgin, 7243 8 40313 2 9
│ │ └─2006, Japan, WHD Entertainment, IECP-10045
│ ├─2000. The ConstruKction Of Light
│ │ ├─2000, Japan, Pony Canyon Inc., PCCY-01455
│ │ ├─2000, US, Virgin, 7243 8 49261 2 0
│ │ ├─2006, Japan, WHD Entertainment, IECP-10046
│ │ └─2007, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0514
│ └─2003. The Power To Believe
│ └─2003, Japan, Universal, UICE-1045
└─Studio (rem.)
├─1969. In The Court Of The Crimson King
│ ├─1989, UK, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 1
│ ├─1989, US, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 1
│ ├─1990, Japan, Virgin, VJCP-2301
│ ├─2004, EU, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0501
│ └─2009, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, KCCBX1
├─1970. In The Wake Of Poseidon
│ ├─1990, Japan, Virgin, VJCP-2302
│ ├─2004, USA, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0502
│ └─2010, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, KCSP2
├─1970. Lizard
│ ├─1989, USA, E.G. Records, EGCD 4
│ ├─2004, EU, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0503
│ └─2009, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, KCSP3
├─1971. Islands
│ ├─1989, USA, E.G. Records, EGCD 5
│ ├─2004, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0504
│ └─2010, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, KCSP4
├─1973. Larks’ Tongues In Aspic
│ ├─1989, UK, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 7
│ ├─1994, US, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 7
│ ├─2004, EU, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0505
│ └─2012, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM5011
├─1974. Red
│ ├─1990, Japan, Virgin, VJCP-2307
│ ├─2004, EU, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0507
│ ├─2009, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, KCSP7
│ └─2013, USA, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM5011~2
├─1974. Starless And Bible Black
│ ├─1990, Japan, Virgin, VJCP-2306
│ ├─1994, US, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 12
│ ├─2004, US, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0506
│ └─2011, UK, Discipline Global Mobile, KCSP6
├─1981. Discipline
│ ├─1990, Japan, Virgin, VJCP-2308
│ ├─1991, Austria, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 49
│ └─2004, USA, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0508
├─1982. Beat
│ ├─1990, Japan, Virgin, VJCP-2309
│ ├─1991, Austria, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 51
│ └─2004, USA, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0509
├─1984. Three Of A Perfect Pair
│ ├─1991, Austria, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 55
│ ├─1994, US, E.G. Records Ltd., EGCD 55
│ └─2004, USA, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0510
└─1995. THRAK
└─2004, EU, Discipline Global Mobile, DGM0513
1969 – In The Court Of The Crimson King (Expanded & Remas)
1970 – In The Wake Of Poseidon
1970 – Lizard
1971 – Islands
1973 – Larks’ Tongues In Aspic (Expanded & Remastered Ori)
1974 – Red (Expanded & Remastered Original Album Mix)
1974 – Starless And Bible Black
1981 – Discipline
1982 – Beat
1984 – Three of a Perfect Pair
1995 – THRAK
2000 – The ConstruKction of Light
2003 – The Power To Believe
2006 – The Condensed 21st Century Guide To King Crimson
2015 – Live At The Orpheum
2016 – Live in Toronto
2017 – Heroes (Live in Europe 2016)
2017 – Heroes (Live in Europe 2016) – EP
2017 – Live In Chicago, 28 June 2017 (Collector’s Club Sp
2017 – Radical Action To Unseat the Hold of Monkey Mind
2018 – Absent Lovers (Live in Montreal, 1984)
2018 – Epitaph (Live, 1969)
2018 – Heavy ConstruKction (Live in Europe, 2000)
2018 – Indiscipline (Live in Mexico, 2017)
2018 – Ladies of the Road (Live 1971-72)
2018 – Live in Vienna (1 December 2016)
2018 – Meltdown (Live in Mexico, 2017)
2018 – Starless (Live in Mexico, 2017)
2018 – The Night Watch (Live at the Concertbebouw, Amster
2018 – The Night Watch (Live at the Concertgebouw, Amster
2018 – VROOOM VROOOM (Live, 1995-96)
2019 – 21st Century Schizoid Man (KC50, Vol. 1)
2019 – 21st Century Schizoid Man (KC50, Vol. 40) (Morgan
2019 – Asbury Park (Complete) [KC50, Vol. 24] (Live)
2019 – Bolero (feat. Tony Levin) [KC50, Vol. 26]
2019 – Book Of Saturday (KC50, Vol. 34)
2019 – Cadence and Cascade (KC50, Vol. 3)
2019 – Catfood (KC50, Vol. 36)
2019 – Dangerous Curves (KC50, Vol. 35)
2019 – Dinosaur (KC50, Vol. 17)
2019 – Dr. Diamond (KC50, Vol. 31) (Live in Mainz)
2019 – Elektrik (KC50, Vol. 22)
2019 – Elephant Talk (KC50, Vol. 42) (Live)
2019 – Epitaph (Greg Lake Vox) [KC50, Vol 30]
2019 – Eyes Wide Open [KC50, Vol. 9]
2019 – Fans, Sloth, Nuns, Felons (KC50, Vol. 29)
2019 – Form #1 (KC50, Vol. 33)
2019 – Fracture (KC50, Vol. 20) (Steven Wilson Live Mix)
2019 – FraKctured (KC50, Vol. 14)
2019 – Groon [KC50, Vol. 41]
2019 – I Talk To The Wind (KC50 Vol. 48)
2019 – Indiscipline (KC50, Vol. 45)
2019 – Industrial Zone C (KC50, Vol. 44)
2019 – Inner Garden (KC50, Vol. 5)
2019 – Islands (feat. Jakko Jakszyk) [KC50, Vol. 25]
2019 – Ladies of the Road (KC50, Vol. 7)
2019 – Larks Tongues In Aspic Pt. Two (KC50, Vol. 38)
2019 – Larks’ Tongues in Aspic, Pt. 1 (KC50, Vol. 6)
2019 – Level Five (KC50, Vol. 27)
2019 – Matte Kudasai (Alt Intro) [KC50, Vol. 28]
2019 – Medley (KC50, Vol. 18)
2019 – One More Red Nightmare (KC50, Vol. 47)
2019 – Peace (Suite) [KC50, Vol. 23]
2019 – Prince Rupert Awakes (KC50, Vol. 10)
2019 – Radical Action-Meltdown (KC50, Vol. 50)
2019 – Requiem (Extended) [KC50, Vol. 11]
2019 – Sailor’s Tale (KC50, Vol. 46)
2019 – Sheltering Sky (KC50, Vol. 16)
2019 – Silent Night (KC50 Vol. 49)
2019 – Space Groove II (KC50, Vol. 8)
2019 – Starless-Red (KC50, Vol. 12)
2019 – The Construkction of Light (KC50, Vol. 37)
2019 – The Great Deceiver (KC50, Vol. 43)
2019 – The Light of Day (KC50, Vol.19)
2019 – The Light of Day (KC50, Vol.19) (Live)
2019 – The Mincer – Law of Maximum Distress (KC50, Vol. 4)
2019 – Thela Hun Ginjeet (KC50, Vol. 2)
2019 – Three of a Perfect Pair (KC50, Vol. 32) (Acapella
2019 – Travel Weary Capricorn – Mars (KC50, Vol. 15)
2019 – Two Hands (KC50, Vol. 21)
2019 – Walking On Air (KC50, Vol. 39) (Live)
2019 – Yoli Yoli (KC50, Vol. 13)
2020 – Cat Food- 50th Anniversary Edition
2021 – Earthbound (Live)
2021 – Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With – Level
2021 – Music Is Our Friend (Live in Washington and Albany
2021 – The Great Deceiver (Pt, II.)
2021 – The Great Deceiver (Pt. I)
2021 – USA (Live)
│ ├─1969 – In The Court Of The Crimson King
│ ├─1970 – In The Wake Of Poseidon
│ ├─1970 – Lizard
│ ├─1971 – Islands
│ ├─1971 – Islands (feat. Jakko Jakszyk) [KC50, Vol. 25]
│ ├─1973 – Larks’ Tongues In Aspic (Expanded & Remastered Original Album Mix)
│ ├─1973 – Larks’ Tongues in Aspic, Pt. 1 (KC50, Vol. 6)
│ ├─1974 – Red (Expanded & Remastered Original Album Mix)
│ ├─1974 – Starless And Bible Black
│ ├─1981 – Discipline
│ ├─1982 – Beat
│ ├─1984 – Three of a Perfect Pair
│ ├─1984 – Three of a Perfect Pair (KC50, Vol. 32) (Acapella Intro)
│ ├─1995 – THRAK
│ ├─1997 – Epitaph (Greg Lake Vox) [KC50, Vol 30]
│ ├─1997 – Epitaph (Live, 1969) 2CD
│ ├─1997 – The Night Watch (Live at the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, Nov. 23, 1973) 2CD
│ ├─1998 – Absent Lovers (Live in Montreal, 1984) 2CD
│ ├─1999 – 21st Century Schizoid Man (KC50, Vol. 1)
│ ├─2000 – Heavy ConstruKction (Live in Europe, 2000) 3CD
│ ├─2000 – The ConstruKction of Light
│ ├─2001 – VROOOM VROOOM (Live, 199596) 2CD
│ ├─2002 – Ladies of the Road (Live 197172) 2CD
│ ├─2003 – The Power To Believe
│ ├─2004 – The Condensed 21st Century Guide To King Crimson (1969 – 2003) 2CD
│ ├─2015 – In The Lounge Of The Naldo King (Extended Version)
│ ├─2015 – Live At The Orpheum
│ ├─2016 – Live in Toronto 2CD
│ ├─2016 – Radical Action To Unseat the Hold of Monkey Mind (Live) 3CD
│ ├─2017 – Heroes (Live EP)
│ ├─2017 – Live In Chicago, 28 June 2017 (Collector’s Club Special Edition) 2CD
│ ├─2018 – Indiscipline (Live in Mexico, 2017)
│ ├─2018 – Live in Vienna (1 December 2016) 3CD
│ ├─2018 – Meltdown (Live in Mexico, 2017) 3CD
│ ├─2018 – Starless (Live in Mexico, 2017)
│ ├─2019 – 21st Century Schizoid Man (KC50, Vol. 40) (Morgan Studios 1969 Incl Mel Collins & Jakko Jakszyk)
│ ├─2019 – Asbury Park (Complete) [KC50, Vol. 24] (Live)
│ ├─2019 – Bolero (feat. Tony Levin) [KC50, Vol. 26]
│ ├─2019 – Book Of Saturday (KC50, Vol. 34)
│ ├─2019 – Cadence and Cascade (KC50, Vol. 3)
│ ├─2019 – Catfood (KC50, Vol. 36)
│ ├─2019 – Dangerous Curves (KC50, Vol. 35)
│ ├─2019 – Dinosaur (KC50, Vol. 17)
│ ├─2019 – Dr. Diamond (KC50, Vol. 31) (Live in Mainz)
│ ├─2019 – Elektrik (KC50, Vol. 22)
│ ├─2019 – Elephant Talk (KC50, Vol. 42) (Live)
│ ├─2019 – Eyes Wide Open [KC50, Vol. 9]
│ ├─2019 – Fans, Sloth, Nuns, Felons (KC50, Vol. 29)
│ ├─2019 – Form #1 (KC50, Vol. 33)
│ ├─2019 – Fracture (KC50, Vol. 20) (Steven Wilson Live Mix)
│ ├─2019 – FraKctured (KC50, Vol. 14)
│ ├─2019 – Groon [KC50, Vol. 41]
│ ├─2019 – I Talk To The Wind (KC50 Vol. 48)
│ ├─2019 – Indiscipline (KC50, Vol. 45)
│ ├─2019 – Industrial Zone C (KC50, Vol. 44)
│ ├─2019 – Inner Garden (KC50, Vol. 5)
│ ├─2019 – Ladies of the Road (KC50, Vol. 7)
│ ├─2019 – Larks Tongues In Aspic Pt. Two (KC50, Vol. 38)
│ ├─2019 – Level Five (KC50, Vol. 27)
│ ├─2019 – Matte Kudasai (Alt Intro) [KC50, Vol. 28]
│ ├─2019 – Medley (KC50, Vol. 18)
│ ├─2019 – One More Red Nightmare (KC50, Vol. 47)
│ ├─2019 – Peace (Suite) [KC50, Vol. 23]
│ ├─2019 – Prince Rupert Awakes (KC50, Vol. 10)
│ ├─2019 – Radical ActionMeltdown (KC50, Vol. 50)
│ ├─2019 – Requiem (Extended) [KC50, Vol. 11]
│ ├─2019 – Sailor’s Tale (KC50, Vol. 46)
│ ├─2019 – Sheltering Sky (KC50, Vol. 16)
│ ├─2019 – Silent Night (KC50 Vol. 49)
│ ├─2019 – Space Groove II (KC50, Vol. 8)
│ ├─2019 – StarlessRed (KC50, Vol. 12)
│ ├─2019 – The Construkction of Light (KC50, Vol. 37)
│ ├─2019 – The Great Deceiver (KC50, Vol. 43)
│ ├─2019 – The Light of Day (KC50, Vol.19) (Live)
│ ├─2019 – The Mincer Law of Maximum Distress (KC50, Vol. 4)
│ ├─2019 – Thela Hun Ginjeet (KC50, Vol. 2)
│ ├─2019 – Travel Weary Capricorn Mars (KC50, Vol. 15)
│ ├─2019 – Two Hands (KC50, Vol. 21)
│ ├─2019 – Walking On Air (KC50, Vol. 39) (Live)
│ ├─2019 – Yoli Yoli (KC50, Vol. 13)
│ ├─2020 – Cat Food 50th Anniversary Edition
│ ├─2021 – Earthbound (Live)
│ ├─2021 – Music Is Our Friend (Live in Washington and Albany, 2021)
│ ├─2021 – The Great Deceiver (Pt, II.)
│ ├─2021 – The Great Deceiver (Pt. I)
│ ├─2021 – USA
│ ├─2021 – USA (Live)
│ ├─2022 – 21st Century Schizoid Man
│ └─2022 – Three of a Perfect Pair
├─1969 – In The Court Of The Crimson King (2014 Expanded & Remastered Original Album Mix) [24Bit-96Khz]
├─1969 – In The Court of the Crimson King (2019 50th Anniversary Box Set) 6CD [24Bit-96Khz]
├─1969 – In The Court Of The Crimson King [24Bit-96Khz]
├─1970 – In The Wake Of Poseidon [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─1970 – Lizard [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─1971 – Islands (feat. Jakko Jakszyk) [KC50, Vol. 25] [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─1971 – Islands [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─1973 – Larks’ Tongues In Aspic (Expanded & Remastered Original Album Mix) [24Bit-96Khz]
├─1973 – Larks’ Tongues in Aspic, Pt. 1 (KC50, Vol. 6) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─1974 – Red (Expanded & Remastered Original Album Mix) [24Bit-96Khz]
├─1974 – Starless And Bible Black [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─1981 – Discipline [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─1982 – Beat [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─1984 – Three of a Perfect Pair (KC50, Vol. 32) (Acapella Intro) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─1984 – Three of a Perfect Pair [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─1995 – THRAK [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─1997 – Epitaph (Greg Lake Vox) [KC50, Vol 30] [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─1999 – 21st Century Schizoid Man (KC50, Vol. 1) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2000 – The ConstruKction of Light [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2003 – The Power To Believe [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2015 – Live At The Orpheum [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2016 – Live in Toronto 2CD [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2016 – Radical Action To Unseat the Hold of Monkey Mind (Live) 3CD [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2017 – Live In Chicago, 28 June 2017 (Collector’s Club Special Edition) 2CD [24Bit-96Khz]
├─2018 – Indiscipline (Live in Mexico, 2017) [24Bit-48Khz]
├─2018 – Live in Vienna (1 December 2016) 2CD [24Bit-48Khz]
├─2018 – Meltdown (Live in Mexico, 2017) 2CD [24Bit-48Khz]
├─2018 – Starless (Live in Mexico, 2017) [24Bit-48Khz]
├─2019 – 21st Century Schizoid Man (KC50, Vol. 40) (Morgan Studios 1969 Incl Mel Collins & Jakko Jakszyk) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Asbury Park (Complete) [KC50, Vol. 24] (Live) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Bolero (feat. Tony Levin) [KC50, Vol. 26] [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Book Of Saturday (KC50, Vol. 34) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Cadence and Cascade (KC50, Vol. 3) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Catfood (KC50, Vol. 36) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Dangerous Curves (KC50, Vol. 35) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Dinosaur (KC50, Vol. 17) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Dr. Diamond (KC50, Vol. 31) (Live in Mainz) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Elektrik (KC50, Vol. 22) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Elephant Talk (KC50, Vol. 42) (Live) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Eyes Wide Open [KC50, Vol. 9] [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Fans, Sloth, Nuns, Felons (KC50, Vol. 29) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Form #1 (KC50, Vol. 33) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Fracture (KC50, Vol. 20) (Steven Wilson Live Mix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – FraKctured (KC50, Vol. 14) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Groon [KC50, Vol. 41] [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – I Talk To The Wind (KC50 Vol. 48) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Indiscipline (KC50, Vol. 45) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Industrial Zone C (KC50, Vol. 44) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Inner Garden (KC50, Vol. 5) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Ladies of the Road (KC50, Vol. 7) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Larks Tongues In Aspic Pt. Two (KC50, Vol. 38) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Level Five (KC50, Vol. 27) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Matte Kudasai (Alt Intro) [KC50, Vol. 28] [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Medley (KC50, Vol. 18) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – One More Red Nightmare (KC50, Vol. 47) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Peace (Suite) [KC50, Vol. 23] [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Prince Rupert Awakes (KC50, Vol. 10) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Radical ActionMeltdown (KC50, Vol. 50) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Requiem (Extended) [KC50, Vol. 11] [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Sailor’s Tale (KC50, Vol. 46) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Sheltering Sky (KC50, Vol. 16) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Silent Night (KC50 Vol. 49) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Space Groove II (KC50, Vol. 8) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – StarlessRed (KC50, Vol. 12) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – The Construkction of Light (KC50, Vol. 37) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – The Great Deceiver (KC50, Vol. 43) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – The Light of Day (KC50, Vol.19) (Live) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – The Mincer Law of Maximum Distress (KC50, Vol. 4) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Thela Hun Ginjeet (KC50, Vol. 2) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Travel Weary Capricorn Mars (KC50, Vol. 15) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Two Hands (KC50, Vol. 21) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Walking On Air (KC50, Vol. 39) (Live) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2019 – Yoli Yoli (KC50, Vol. 13) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
├─2020 – Cat Food 50th Anniversary Edition [24Bit-48Khz]
├─2021 – Earthbound (Live) [24Bit-48Khz]
├─2021 – USA (Live) [24Bit-48Khz]
└─2022 – Three of a Perfect Pair [24Bit-44.1Khz]





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  • 白不拉幾先生 普通 2024年6月18日 15:17


  • KinWA 会员 2024年4月6日 01:38

    站长,首专DSD版本总是有一首《08.Epitaph》无法分轨,其他首都可以,foobar2k显示“Invalid Parameters”,是cue错了还是什么,有经验吗?

    • 深海 会员 @ KinWA 2024年4月6日 07:36

      REM GENRE Prog Rock
      REM DATE 1969
      PERFORMER “King Crimson”
      TITLE “In The Court Of The Crimson King (An Observation By King Crimson)”
      FILE “In The Court Of Crimson King 2019 (Side A).dsf” wave
      TRACK 01 AUDIO
      TITLE “21st Century Schizoid Man”
      INDEX 01 00:00:00
      TRACK 02 AUDIO
      TITLE “I Talk To The Wind”
      INDEX 01 07:23:00
      TRACK 03 AUDIO
      TITLE “Epitaph”
      INDEX 01 13:24:00
      FILE “In The Court Of Crimson King 2019 (Side B).dsf” wave
      TRACK 04 AUDIO
      TITLE “Moonchild”
      INDEX 01 00:00:00
      TRACK 05 AUDIO
      TITLE “The Court Of The Crimson King”
      INDEX 01 12:13:00
      FILE “In The Court Of Crimson King 2019 (Side C).dsf” wave
      TRACK 06 AUDIO
      TITLE “21st Century Schizoid Man (alternate album)”
      INDEX 01 00:00:00
      TRACK 07 AUDIO
      TITLE “I Talk To The Wind (alternate album)”
      INDEX 01 06:55:00
      TRACK 08 AUDIO
      TITLE “Epitaph (alternate album)”
      INDEX 01 13:31:00
      FILE “In The Court Of Crimson King 2019 (Side D).dsf” wave
      TRACK 09 AUDIO
      TITLE “Epitaph (alternate album)”
      INDEX 01 00:00:00
      TRACK 10 AUDIO
      TITLE “Moonchild (alternate album)”
      INDEX 01 05:45:00
      TRACK 11 AUDIO
      TITLE “The Court Of The Crimson King (alternate album)”
      INDEX 01 08:05:00
      TRACK 12 AUDIO
      TITLE “21st Century Schizoid Man (alternate album)”
      INDEX 01 15:15:00

    • KinWA 会员 @ 深海 2024年4月6日 15:00


    • 深海 会员 @ KinWA 2024年4月6日 15:35


  • Hasli 普通 2024年1月30日 13:35


  • Hasli 普通 2024年1月30日 12:29


  • Hasli 普通 2024年1月29日 23:38

    非常的Amazing啊(~ ̄▽ ̄)~φ(゜▽゜*)♪

  • makesiyi 长期会员 2022年8月25日 09:37
