Megadeth是开创美国Thrash Metal重要乐队之一,算是一支历史悠久而又复杂的金属乐队了,虽然它的历史可能不比某些“老牌”乐队的存在时间长,但好在它还存在于这个世界,所以没有人能说出它的未来会是怎样。从音乐上来看,这支以the Beatles、Led Zeppelin、 Fear and Riss、Sex Pistols 和 Motown为榜样的乐队同样在不断尝试着各种音乐元素。在歌词方面,Megadeth则体现出了鲜明的政治主张和生活观念,对于反对者他们总是毫不退缩地予以回击。“这是我通过自己的眼睛所了解到的生活, ”乐队灵魂人物Dave Mustaine 说:“我非常的固执己见,不论是看到自己喜欢还是不喜欢的事,我都想插手。”哈哈,多有意思的人啊?!你或许会从他们的音乐中看到“Anarchy ln The U.K.”(Sex Pistols)或“I Ain’t Superstitio us”(Willie Dixon)的影子,但千万不要把他们等同于那些随波逐流的投机分子。虽然音乐可能会改变,但他们自然、真诚而富于个性的精神会永远伴随着 Meg adeth这个嘹亮的名字一同前进!
说起Megadeth,人们便会想到那毫不羞涩的严厉得象刀片一样的吉他SOLO。Megadeth由乐队的核心人物Dave Mustaine于1983年被Metallica 开除后建立的,而Dave Mustaine有着非同一般的传奇经历。Dave Mustaine受早期激进摇滚的影响,强调乐器的演奏技巧、提高音乐速度,使经典的鞭笞金属更加完美,这也使得他们在很多方面与金属乐队区别开来,在八十年代后期,他们成为该领域的佼佼者,每个专辑都成为金唱片。David Scott Mustaine是六炫吉他的王者,没人能否定他在吉他演奏和创作上的天赋,创作出至少50个经典riff,载入重金属乐的史册,Mustaine成为鞭挞金属的重要开创者之一。人们把Megadeth与Metallica,Anthrax,Slayer称为“四大鞭”(Big Four of Thrash)。
早在1982年, Dave离开了原来乐队Panic而加入了刚刚成立不久的 Metallica乐队,然而这支后来声名显赫的超级乐队却没有给Dave多少发展的机会。1983年4月,他的位置被 Kirk Hammet所取代,至于Dave被踢出Metallica 的原因一直都众说纷坛,一说是因为毒品问题,还有传说就是因为他弹琴的速度不够快。就在Dave离队的同时, Metallica 却发行了自己的处女专辑《Kill’Em All》,这难免使人为 Dave Mu staine感到不平,Dave本人当然也颇感不快。于是他很快召集了贝司手 Dave El lefson、吉他手 Chris Poland和鼓手Lee Rash另起炉灶。并为之命名为 Megade th,从此一支无所畏惧的金属劲旅宣告诞生。同年底,鼓手Lee Rash 被 Gar Sa muelson所取代,而Dave也正式兼任乐队的主唱。之后乐队加盟了一家独立唱片公司——Combat(奋斗),并在它旗下发行了自己的首张专辑《Killing Is My Busi ness Is Good!》,此时距乐队成立正好两年。这张唱片不仅受到了当时势头正劲的金属团体的好评,而且许多主流音乐人也对之赞赏有加。首战的“开门红”为乐队以后的发展开辟了广阔的天地——著名公司 Capitol很快就注意到他们并最 终把其招之麾下。1986年,Megadeth 终于发行了一张“正式”的专辑《Peace S ells…But Who’s Buying?》,之后乐队开始了一场历时72周的巡演活动,这不仅标明着 Megadeth已经成为一支成熟的表演团体,同时也把这张唱片的销量直接推向白金数字。在第二年巡演期间,Megadeth再次更换队员:Chuck Behler成为 乐队新鼓手,而吉他手则由Jeff Young取代了Chris。1988年,Megadeth推出第三张专辑《So Far,So Good…So What!》。这张通常被人们视为是打烙着 the Si x Pistols的圣歌“Anarchy In The U.K.”印记的唱片一出道就大受欢迎,不仅获得白金销量,而且登上了专辑榜第28位。与此同时,Dave Mustaine对毒品的 迷恋却又导致 Megadeth的内部矛盾重重。终于,在1989年的巡演结束后,Dave又把 Young和 Behler开除出队,而换上了吉他手 Marty Friedman和鼓手Mice Men za。
局面在1990年发生了奇迹般的转折—Dave Mustaine终于因为毒品问题而遭拘捕。在被强制戒毒后,他似乎决定痛改前非,重新开始自己的生活。在这一年, Megadeth推出了一张被评论界视为里程碑式的唱片:《Rust In Peace》,不仅销 量超白金,而且冲上了Top40专辑排行榜的第23位,乐队也因此而获得葛莱美最佳金属表演奖的提名。此后的《Countdown to Extinction)(1992)销量达双白金并 直冲专辑榜的第二位;《Youthanasia》(1994)获超白金销量并登上专辑榜第4位。为了推出《Youthanasia》,Mustaine、Friedman和Ellefson不惜兴师动众—— 他们搬到了亚利桑那州的菲尼克斯并在那着手录制唱片,而鼓手Menza则继续留在他们洛杉矾的大本营。对此,Mustaine解释说:“我们需要保持经常的聚散离合,这样当我们再聚到一起时,就会产生一种无与伦比的精神动力。我们从来不为了钱去做音乐,当你那么干时,你已经丧失了起码的真诚和正直。我们这么做是因为我们热爱音乐!”1995年,乐队把自己以前在各类原声音带中发表的作品整理后灌成一张唱片;这就是《Hidden Treasures》。“我们从不会对乐迷有所保留,不论是现在还是将来,” Dave回忆说:“这就是Megadeth为什么能一直屹立不倒的原因。我们始终如一——努力创作、尽情表演,我们尊重自己也尊重我们的乐迷,这点最重要。”’接下来的两年时间里,乐队进入休整状态,队员们暂时分别,直到1997年第八张专辑《Cryptic Writings》发行后,乐队才开始了两年中的第一次现场演出。1998年,Megadeth被邀请参加“Ozzfest”音乐节。同年7 月,乐队鼓手再易其人,Jimmy DeGrasso成为 Megadeth新任鼓手。
作为一支成功的乐队,Megadeth在全球卖出超过2000万张专辑,连续5张白金销量专辑以及7 次格莱美Best Metal Performance提名。
2017年2月13日, Megadeth《Dystopia》获得第59届格莱美奖–最佳金属演绎奖项。
Megadeth同Anthrax,Slayer和Metallica并称为”Big Four of Thrash”乐队,获得格莱美奖提名。
乐队成立之后成员变动频繁,2002年,Dave Mustaine的左臂受伤,使得乐队一度解散过,但经过治疗之后,乐队在2004年又重新成立并发行新专辑The System Has Failed,2007年乐队又发行了新专辑United Abominations,2009年发行新专辑Endgame.2011年发布新专辑Th1rt3en。
几十年来与Metallica明争暗斗,Mustaine毫不隐晦指责Metallica偷了他的创作,Metallica靠弹他的曲子《皮衣人生》里独奏成名,真是可笑。后来Mustaine把一首他在Metallica时写的歌《限制级技师》收录在专辑《杀戮…继生》里,这首歌被Metallica重新改了歌词和速度取名为《四骑士》,《限制级技师》的演奏速度比《四骑士》快的多,Mustaine 曾公开说:“这样做的目的就是要好好修理Metallica”。而Metallica根本无力反驳,只能苍白的说Mustaine是一个酒鬼,Metallica的主音吉他Hammett更成为乐迷调侃的对象。虽然Metallica在商业上要比Megadeth成功的多,但在鞭挞金属的技术发展上,根本无法与Megadeth比肩,Metallica成名后慢慢走向了通俗流行,虽被更多人接受,创作却少了,只能吃老本。正如Mclver所说:“当许多金属乐队在潮流和逆境中改变自己风格的时候,他不为所动,这个人就是是Dave Mustaine”,鞭挞金属毕竟是小众音乐。Mustaine虽然没有动听的歌喉,但用演奏活生生的把歌曲拉起来,他复杂编曲演奏的精准度也增加了在演唱会上表演的难度。如今60岁了,依旧还在鞭挞金属的道路上探索前行,始终一头摇滚长发,没有花俏的纹身,做着纯纯的鞭打乐曲,发新曲,继续他的riff创作……


│ ├─16BIT
│ │ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business (CBS, 465249 2, Australia)
│ │ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business (Combat, 88561-8015-2, Japan For USA)
│ │ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business (Combat, CRT 8015, USA)
│ │ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business… and Business Is Good! [restored]
│ │ ├─1986 – Killing Is My Business (MFN, CD MFN 46, France)
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying [restored]
│ │ ├─1987 – Killing Is My Business (Combat, 88561-8015-2, USA)
│ │ ├─1987 – Killing Is My Business (Combat, ZK 90843б, Canada)
│ │ ├─1987 – Killing Is My Business [MFN, CD MFN 46, UK (Inlays France)]
│ │ ├─1987 – Peace Sells (Capitol, CDP 7 46370 2, USA)
│ │ ├─1987 – Peace Sells (Toshiba-EMI, CP32-5400, Japan)
│ │ ├─1988 – Killing Is My Business (CBS-Sony, 25DP 5343, Japan)
│ │ ├─1988 – So Far, So Good… So What (Capitol, CDP 7 48148 2, Holland)
│ │ ├─1988 – So Far, So Good… So What (Capitol, CDP 7 48148 2, USA)
│ │ ├─1988 – So Far, So Good… So What (Capitol, D 102009, USA)
│ │ ├─1988 – So Far, So Good… So What (Toshiba-EMI, CP32-5579, Japan)
│ │ ├─1988 – So Far, So Good… So What! [restored]
│ │ ├─1989 – No More Mr. Nice Guy (EMI-SBK, CDP 560-20 3620 2, W.Germany)
│ │ ├─1989 – No More Mr. Nice Guy (SBK, CDSBK 4, UK)
│ │ ├─1989 – Various – Shocker (A Shocking Sampler)
│ │ ├─1990 – Hangar 18 (Capitol, Promo, DPRO-79292, USA)
│ │ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace (Capitol, CDP 7 91935 2, USA)
│ │ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-6252, Japan)
│ │ ├─1990 – Rust in Peace [restored]
│ │ ├─1991 – Foreclosure Of A Dream (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-6667, Japan)
│ │ ├─1991 – Hangar 18 (Capitol, 560-20 4222 2, Holland)
│ │ ├─1991 – Hangar 18 (Capitol, CDCL 604, UK)
│ │ ├─1991 – Maximum Megadeth (Capitol, Promo, DPRO-79757, USA)
│ │ ├─1992 – Countdown To Extinction (Capitol, CDP 7 98531 2, USA)
│ │ ├─1992 – Countdown To Extinction (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-7164, Japan)
│ │ ├─1992 – Countdown to Extinction [restored]
│ │ ├─1992 – Foreclosure Of A Dream (Capitol, 0724 3 880298 2 7, Holland)
│ │ ├─1992 – Foreclosure Of A Dream (Capitol, C2 0777 7 15935 2 9, USA)
│ │ ├─1992 – Killing Is My Business (Armando Curcio Editor, HM-03, Italy)
│ │ ├─1992 – Skin O’ My Teeth (Capitol, 7243 8 80294 2 1, UK)
│ │ ├─1992 – Skin O’ My Teeth (Capitol, 7243 8 80295 2 0, UK)
│ │ ├─1992 – Skin O’ My Teeth (Capitol, Promo, CDCLDJ 669, UK)
│ │ ├─1992 – Sweating Bullets (Capitol, 7243 8 80492 2 1, Holland)
│ │ ├─1992 – Sweating Bullets (Capitol, CD CLXDJ 682, Promo)
│ │ ├─1992 – Sweating Bullets (Capitol, CDCL 682, UK)
│ │ ├─1992 – Sweating Bullets (Capitol, CDCLDJ 682, UK)
│ │ ├─1992 – Sweating Bullets (Capitol, Promo, DPRO-79592, USA)
│ │ ├─1992 – Symphony Of Destruction (Capitol, 7243 8 80122 2 5, UK)
│ │ ├─1992 – Symphony Of Destruction (Capitol, 8801162, Holland)
│ │ ├─1992 – Symphony Of Destruction (Capitol, C2-15870, USA)
│ │ ├─1992 – Symphony Of Destruction (Capitol, CDCLDJ 662, UK)
│ │ ├─1992 – Symphony Of Destruction (Capitol, Promo, DPRO-79339, USA)
│ │ ├─1992 – Symphony Of Destruction (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-7345, Japan)
│ │ ├─1993 – 99 Ways To Die (Geffen, Promo, PRO-CD-4580, USA)
│ │ ├─1993 – Angry Again (Columbia, CSK 5234, USA)
│ │ ├─1993 – Limited Edition Megadeth Live! (Capitol, DPRO-79862, USA)
│ │ ├─1993 – Megabox Single Collection (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP 7591~95, Japan) 5CD
│ │ ├─1993 – Sweating Bullets (Capitol, CDCLX 682, UK)
│ │ ├─1994 – A Tout Le Monde (Capitol, SPCD 1808, France)
│ │ ├─1994 – Killing Is My Business (Sony, SRCS 7549, Japan)
│ │ ├─1994 – Tales From The Crypt Presents – Demon Knight Big Screen (Atlantic, PRCD 5992, USA)
│ │ ├─1994 – Train Of Consequences (Capitol, 7243 8 81790 2 7, Holland)
│ │ ├─1994 – Train Of Consequences (Capitol, 7243 8 81842 2 9, UK)
│ │ ├─1994 – Train Of Consequences (Capitol, Radio Promo, CDCLDJ 730, UK)
│ │ ├─1994 – Train Of Consequences (Ermitage, THN 010, Germany)
│ │ ├─1994 – Train Of Consequences (Hispavox, 651 402468 2, Espania)
│ │ ├─1994 – Youthanasia (Capitol, CDP 8 29004 2, UK)
│ │ ├─1994 – Youthanasia (Capitol, CDP 8 29004 2, USA)
│ │ ├─1994 – Youthanasia (Capitol, Promo, CDAS100, UK)
│ │ ├─1994 – Youthanasia (Capitol, Promo, DPRO-79448, USA)
│ │ ├─1994 – Youthanasia (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-8397, Japan)
│ │ ├─1994 – Youthanasia [restored]
│ │ ├─1995 – A Tout Le Monde (Capitol, C2 7243 8 82 002 2 6, Holland)
│ │ ├─1995 – A Tout Le Monde (Capitol, C2 7243 8 82001 2 7, Holland)
│ │ ├─1995 – A Tout Le Monde (Capitol, Hidden 1, UK)
│ │ ├─1995 – A Tout Le Monde (Capitol, Promo, DPRO-79535, USA)
│ │ ├─1995 – Hidden Treasures (Capitol, CDP 8 33670 2, USA)
│ │ ├─1995 – Hidden Treasures (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-8555, Japan)
│ │ ├─1995 – Hidden Treasures [restored]
│ │ ├─1995 – Youthanasia (Capitol, 7243 8 32739 2 8, UK) 2CD
│ │ ├─1996 – MD.45 – The Craving (Capitol-SLAB, Advance Promo, CDP-36616, USA)
│ │ ├─1996 – MD.45 – The Craving (Capitol-SLAB, SLAB 36616-2, USA)
│ │ ├─1996 – MD.45 – The Craving (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-8895, Japan)
│ │ ├─1997 – Almost Honest (Capitol, Promo, Cryptic 001, UK)
│ │ ├─1997 – Almost Honest (Capitol, Promo, DPRO 7087 6 12070 2 6, USA)
│ │ ├─1997 – Cryptic Writings (Capitol, CDP 8 38262 2, USA)
│ │ ├─1997 – Cryptic Writings (Capitol, Promo, CDAS 118, UK)
│ │ ├─1997 – Cryptic Writings (Capitol, Promo, DPRO 7087 6 12040 2 5, USA)
│ │ ├─1997 – Cryptic Writings (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-50211, Japan)
│ │ ├─1997 – Cryptic Writings [restored]
│ │ ├─1997 – Live Trax (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-50355, Japan)
│ │ ├─1997 – Old Testaments (Capitol, Promo, DPRO 7087 6 12042 2 3, USA)
│ │ ├─1997 – Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying (The Originals) 3CD
│ │ ├─1997 – Symphony Of Destruction (Capitol, Promo, C2 7243 8 58602 2 5, USA)
│ │ ├─1997 – Trust (Capitol, 7243 8 83958 2 3, Holland)
│ │ ├─1997 – VA – Dragon Attack
│ │ ├─1998 – A Secret Place (Capitol, Promo, DPRO 7087 6 12870 2 8, USA)
│ │ ├─1998 – Cryptic Sounds – No Voices In Your Head (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-61001, Japan)
│ │ ├─1998 – Cryptic Writings [Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-50520~21, Japan (+ Live Trax II)] 2CD
│ │ ├─1998 – Use The Man (Capitol, Promo, DPRO 7087 6 12816 2 0, USA)
│ │ ├─1999 – Breadline (Capitol, CDP 000071, Holland)
│ │ ├─1999 – Breadline (Capitol, Promo, DPRO 7086 6 13875 2 0, USA)
│ │ ├─1999 – Crush ’em (Capitol, Promo, DPRO 7087 6 13807 2 9, USA)
│ │ ├─1999 – Crush ’em (Capitol, Promo, DPRO 7087 6 13846 2 8, USA)
│ │ ├─1999 – Insomnia (Capitol, Promo, DPRO 7087 6 13815 2 8, USA)
│ │ ├─1999 – Insomnia (Capitol, Promo, DPRO 7087 6 13828 2 2, USA)
│ │ ├─1999 – Risk (Capitol, CDLRL 014, Advance, UK)
│ │ ├─1999 – Risk (Capitol, CDP 4 99134 0, USA)
│ │ ├─1999 – Risk (Capitol, CDP 5 2236 0, Holland) 2CD
│ │ ├─1999 – Risk (Capitol, CDP 7243 4 99134 24-V, Promo, USA)
│ │ ├─1999 – Risk (Capitol, Promo CD, CD-R)
│ │ ├─1999 – Risk (EMI, Promo CD, CD-R)
│ │ ├─1999 – Risk (Risk [Capitol, CDP 00064, EU])
│ │ ├─1999 – Risk (Risk [The SFX Radio Network])
│ │ ├─1999 – Risk (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-65272, Japan)
│ │ ├─1999 – Risk [restored]
│ │ ├─2000 – Breadline (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-65388, Japan)
│ │ ├─2000 – Capitol Punishment (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-65474, Japan)
│ │ ├─2000 – Kill The King (Capitol, Promo, DPRO 7087 6 15169 2 0, USA)
│ │ ├─2001 – Interview Disc (Sanctuary-MetalIs, Radio Promo, MISP4006, UK)
│ │ ├─2001 – The World Needs a Hero (2019 Remaster)
│ │ ├─2001 – The World Needs A Hero (Sanctuary, 06076-84503-2, USA)
│ │ ├─2001 – The World Needs A Hero (Sanctuary-MetalIs, MISBX006, UK)
│ │ ├─2001 – The World Needs A Hero (Victor, VICP-61348, Japan)
│ │ ├─2001 – The World Needs a Hero [restored]
│ │ ├─2001 – VA – Stone Cold Queen
│ │ ├─2001 – Various – More Deth (Sanctuary, SANDJ-85509-2, USA)
│ │ ├─2002 – Killing Is My Business [Loud, 9046-2, USA (Remixed & Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2002 – Killing Is My Business [Sony, SICP 93, Japan (Remixed & Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2002 – Rude Awakening (Sanctuary, 06076-86334-2, USA)
│ │ ├─2002 – Rude Awakening (Victor, VICP-61754~55, Japan) 2CD
│ │ ├─2002 – Rude Awakening [restored]
│ │ ├─2002 – Still, Alive (Sanctuary 06076-84566-2, USA)
│ │ ├─2002 – Still, Alive (Sanctuary-MetalIs, MISCD024, UK)
│ │ ├─2002 – Still, Alive (Victor, VICP-62129, Japan)
│ │ ├─2004 – Blackmail The Universe (Sanctuary SANDJ-85637-2, USA)
│ │ ├─2004 – Blackmail The Universe (Sanctuary, 06076-84711-2, USA)
│ │ ├─2004 – Countdown To Extinction [Capitol, 7243 5 79875 23, EU (Remixed & Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2004 – Cryptic Writings [Capitol, 7243 5 79876 22, EU (Remixed & Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2004 – Cryptic Writings [Capitol, 7243 5 98625 21, USA (Remixed & Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2004 – Cryptic Writings [EMI, Promo CD, CD-R (Remixed And Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2004 – Cryptic Writings [Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-67446, Japan (Remixed & Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2004 – Die Dead Enough (Sanctuary, SANDJ-85638-2, USA)
│ │ ├─2004 – Hell Wasn’t Built In A Day (Capitol, Promo CD)
│ │ ├─2004 – MD.45 – The Craving [Capitol, 7243 5 98627 29, USA (Remixed & Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2004 – Peace Sells [Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-54225, Japan (Remixed & Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2004 – Risk [Capitol 7243 5 79878 20, EU (Remixed & Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2004 – Rust In Peace [Capitol, 7243 5 79879 29, EU (Remixed & Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2004 – Rust In Peace [Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-53942, Japan (Remixed & Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2004 – So Far, So Good… So What [Capitol, 7243 5 79874 24, EU (Remixed & Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2004 – So Far, So Good… So What [EMI, Promo CD, CD-R (Remixed And Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2004 – The System Has Failed (2019 Remaster)
│ │ ├─2004 – The System Has Failed (Avalon-Marquee, MICP-10475, Japan)
│ │ ├─2004 – The System Has Failed (Sanctuary, 06076-84708-2, USA)
│ │ ├─2004 – The System Has Failed [restored]
│ │ ├─2004 – Youthanasia [Capitol, 7243 5 79873 25, EU (Remixed & Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2004 – Youthanasia [EMI, Promo CD, CD-R (Remixed And Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2005 – Greatest Hits (EMI-Capitol, 7234 8 73929 2 2, USA)
│ │ ├─2005 – Greatest Hits (EMI-Capitol, Promo CDR, USA)
│ │ ├─2005 – Greatest Hits (Toshiba-EMI, TOCP-67707, Japan)
│ │ ├─2006 – Countdown To Extinction (Capitol-MFSL, UDCD 765, USA)
│ │ ├─2006 – Unplugged in Boston [restored]
│ │ ├─2007 – A Tout Le Monde – Sleepwalker (Roadrunner, Promo, RR Promo 991, USA)
│ │ ├─2007 – Extended Versions (Sony-BMG, A 706222, USA)
│ │ ├─2007 – Hidden Treasures (Capitol 0946 3 93766 2 9, EU)
│ │ ├─2007 – Live at Wembley Arena, 1990 [restored]
│ │ ├─2007 – Set Me Free (A tout le monde) (Roadrunner, RDRR 10187-2, USA)
│ │ ├─2007 – That One Night (Avalon-Maequee, MICP-90028, Japan) 2CD
│ │ ├─2007 – That One Night (Image, ID3082LT, USA) 2CD
│ │ ├─2007 – That One Night – Live in Buenos Aires [restored]
│ │ ├─2007 – United Abominations (2019 – Remaster)
│ │ ├─2007 – United Abominations (Roadrunner, 1686-180292, USA)
│ │ ├─2007 – United Abominations (Roadrunner, RRCY-21285, Japan)
│ │ ├─2007 – United Abominations [restored]
│ │ ├─2007 – Warchest (EMI-Capitol, 509995 03187 28, USA) 4CD
│ │ ├─2007 – Warchest (EMI-Capitol, Box Set Promo Sampler, 509995 08921 29, USA)
│ │ ├─2008 – Anthology (EMI-Capitol, 509992 35079 20, USA) 2CD
│ │ ├─2008 – Anthology- Set The World Afire (EMI, Promo-CD, USA) 2CD
│ │ ├─2008 – Countdown To Extinction [EMI, Promo CD, CD-R, (Remixed And Remastered)]
│ │ ├─2009 – Endgame (EMI, Promo CDR, USA)
│ │ ├─2009 – Endgame (Remastered 2019)
│ │ ├─2009 – Endgame (Roadrunner, RRCY-21349, Japan)
│ │ ├─2009 – Endgame (Roadrunner,1686-178852, USA)
│ │ ├─2009 – Endgame [restored]
│ │ ├─2009 – Killing Is My Business (Century Media, 9962302, Germany)
│ │ ├─2009 – The Right To Go Insane (Roadrunner, Promo, RR Promo 1204, USA)
│ │ ├─2010 – Rust In Peace – Live (Universal, UIBY-1068, Japan, SHM-CD)
│ │ ├─2010 – Rust in Peace – Live [restored]
│ │ ├─2010 – The Big 4 (Universal, 2747778, Germany)
│ │ ├─2011 – Peace Sells (EMI-Capitol, 25th Anniversary Edition Promo CDR, USA) 4CD
│ │ ├─2011 – Peace Sells (EMI-Capitol, 5099902933924, 25th Anniversary Deluxe Boxset, EU) 5CD
│ │ ├─2011 – Peace Sells (Toshiba-EMI, 71102~03, 25th Anniversary Edition, Japan) 2CD
│ │ ├─2011 – Public Enemy No.1 (Roadrunner, Promo, PRO16938, UK)
│ │ ├─2011 – Public Enemy No.1 (Roadrunner, Radio Promo CDR, USA)
│ │ ├─2011 – Th1rt3en (Remastered 2019)
│ │ ├─2011 – Th1rt3en (Roadrunner, 1686-177002, USA)
│ │ ├─2011 – Th1rt3en (Warner-Roadrunner, WPCR-14211, Japan)
│ │ ├─2011 – Th1rt3en [restored]
│ │ ├─2011 – Whose Life (Is It Anyways) (Roadrunner, Promo)
│ │ ├─2012 – Countdown To Extinction (Capitol, 5099997848622, EU) 2CD
│ │ ├─2013 – (SHM-CD box) 7CD
│ │ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying [Toshiba, TOCP-95117, SHM-CD, Japan]
│ │ │ ├─1988 – So Far, So Good… So What [Toshiba, TOCP-95118, SHM-CD, Japan]
│ │ │ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace [Toshiba, TOCP-95119, SHM-CD, Japan]
│ │ │ ├─1992 – Countdown To Extinction [Toshiba, TOCP-95120, SHM-CD, Japan]
│ │ │ ├─1994 – Youthanasia [Toshiba, TOCP-95121, SHM-CD, Japan]
│ │ │ ├─1997 – Cryptic Writings [Toshiba, TOCP-95122, SHM-CD, Japan]
│ │ │ └─1999 – Risc [Toshiba, TOCP-95123, SHM-CD, Japan]
│ │ ├─2013 – Countdown to Extinction – Live [restored]
│ │ ├─2013 – Countdown To Extinction Live (UMe, B0018688-02, USA)
│ │ ├─2013 – Killing Is My Business (Sony, SICP 30398, Japan)
│ │ ├─2013 – Super Collider (T-Boy Rec., Promo, USA)
│ │ ├─2013 – Super Collider (UMe, 0602537273720, Germany)
│ │ ├─2013 – Super Collider (UMe, 0602537407040, Germany)
│ │ ├─2013 – Super Collider (UMe, B0018470-02, USA)
│ │ ├─2013 – Super Collider (UMG, UICY 15200, SHM-CD, Japan)
│ │ ├─2013 – Super Collider [restored]
│ │ ├─2014 – Icon
│ │ ├─2016 – Dystopia (Lmt. Edt. with Virtual Reality Goggles)
│ │ ├─2016 – Dystopia (T-Boy Rec., 06025 476 041-5 (6), Germany)
│ │ ├─2016 – Dystopia (T-Boy Rec., B0024164-02, Mexico)
│ │ ├─2016 – Dystopia (T-Boy Rec., Bootleg, Russia)
│ │ ├─2016 – Dystopia (T-Boy Rec., UICY-15449, Japan)
│ │ ├─2016 – Dystopia [restored]
│ │ ├─2016 – Fatal Illusion (Tradecraft, UMe, T-Boy, UICY-5130, Japan)
│ │ ├─2017 – Grand Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, February 25th, 1995
│ │ ├─2017 – MTV Show, Webster Hall, New York, October 25th, 1994
│ │ ├─2018 – Hung Out to Dry (Live)
│ │ ├─2019 – Endgame (2019 Remaster)
│ │ ├─2019 – The World Needs a Hero (2019 Remaster)
│ │ ├─2019 – United Abominations (2019 Remaster)
│ │ ├─2019 – VA – A Tribute to Megadeth
│ │ ├─2020 – No More Mistakes (Live 1994)
│ │ ├─2021 – That One Night_ Live In Buenos Aires (Live)
│ │ ├─2021 – Unplugged in Boston (Live 2001)
│ │ ├─2021 – ライヴ?イン?シカゴ1997 (Live)
│ │ ├─2022 – The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead! – Japan
│ │ ├─2022 – The Sick, the Dying… and the Dead! [restored]
│ │ ├─2022 – The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead!
│ │ ├─2023 – Inside Of You
│ ├─Hi-Res
│ │ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business…And Business Is Good – The Final Kill [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business…And Business Is Good [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells.. But Who’s Buying [24Bit-192kHz]
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying [qobuz][24Bit-192kHz]
│ │ ├─1988 – So Far, So Good… So What! [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─1990 – Rust in Peace [24Bit-192kHz]
│ │ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace [qobuz][24Bit-192kHz]
│ │ ├─1992 – Countdown to Extincion [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─1992 – Countdown to Extinction [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─1994 – Youthanasia [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─1997 – Cryptic Writings [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─1999 – Risk [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2001 – The World Needs A Hero [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2004 – The System Has Failed [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2007 – United Abomination [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2009 – Endgame [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2011 – Th1rt3en [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2012 – Th1rt3en [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2013 – Countdown To Extinction Live (Live At The Fox Theater2012) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2013 – Countdown to Extinction Live [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2013 – Super Collider EU[24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2013 – Super Collider [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2013 – Super Collider [qobuz][24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2016 – Dystopia [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2018 – Killing Is My Business…And Business Is Good – The Final Kill 24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2020 – How the Story Ends [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – Symphony Of Destruction (Medieval Version) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – A Tout le Monde (feat. Nick Giannakos) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Delivering The Goods [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Lamb of God, Megadeth – Wake Up Dead (feat. Dave Mustaine) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Lamb of God, Megadeth – Wake Up Dead (feat. Dave Mustaine) [qobuz][24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Sleepwalker [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead! [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead! [qobuz][24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Inside Of You [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Inside Of You [qobuz][24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─LP
│ │ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business… And Business Is Good! MFN46] 24-192
│ │ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business… And Business Is Good! [BOBV065LP] 24-192
│ │ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business… And Business Is Good! [MX 8015] 24-192
│ │ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business… MFN46] 24-96
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying (Anniversary Deluxe Edition) [5099902933924] 24-192
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying 32-192
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying [ESC-81773] 24-192
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying [PBTHAL 2019] (Original German Pressing Vinyl-Rip) 24-96
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying [Santa Records ?– ATR 30167] 24-192
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying [ST-512526] 24-192
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells… But Who`s Buying 24-96
│ │ ├─1988 – Anarchy In The U.K – Single 24-192
│ │ ├─1988 – So Far, So Good… So What! [C1-48148] EU 24-192
│ │ ├─1988 – So Far, So Good… So What! [C1-48148] USA 24-192
│ │ ├─1988 – So Far, So Good… So What! [EMI 7 481481] EN 24-96
│ │ ├─1989 – No More Mr. Nice Guy – Single 24-192
│ │ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace [C1-91935] US 24-192
│ │ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace [C1-91935] USA 24-96
│ │ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace [EST 2132 28 Oct 2008] US 24-192
│ │ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace [EST 2132] EN 24-96
│ │ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace [EST 2132] UK 24-192
│ │ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace [EST 2132] US 24-192
│ │ ├─1992 – Countdown To Extinction (Germany) 24-96
│ │ ├─1992 – Countdown to Extinction 24-96
│ │ ├─1992 – Countdown To Extinction [MFSL 2-285] 24-192
│ │ ├─1992 – Countdown To Extinction {Korea Capitol C1-98531} 24-192
│ │ ├─1992 – Skin O’ My Teeth – Single 24-192
│ │ ├─1992 – Symphony Of Destruction – Single 24-192
│ │ ├─1992 – Symphony Of Destruction [The Gristle Mix] – Single 24-192
│ │ ├─1994 – Train Of Consequences – Single 24-192
│ │ ├─1994 – Youthanasia UK 24-96
│ │ ├─1994 – Youthanasia [7243 8 29004 1 2] 24-192
│ │ ├─1997 – Cryptic Writings 24-96
│ │ ├─1997 – Cryptic Writings [EST 2297] 24-192
│ │ ├─2000 – Breadline – Crush ‘Em – Single 24-192
│ │ ├─2001 – The World Needs A Hero [MISLP 006] 24-192
│ │ ├─2004 – The System Has Failed [MOVLP684 ] 24-192
│ │ ├─2006 – Dystopia [EU T-Boy Records ?# 06025 476 139-4 (3)] 24-192
│ │ ├─2007 – United Abomination [Germany RRCAR 8029-1] 32-192
│ │ ├─2007 – United Abominations 24-96
│ │ ├─2007 – United Abominations [RRCAR 8029-1] 24-192
│ │ ├─2009 – Endgame 24-96
│ │ ├─2009 – Endgame [Germany RRCAR7885-1] 32-192
│ │ ├─2009 – Endgame [RRCAR7885-1] 24-192
│ │ ├─2011 – Th1rt3en [RRCAR 7700-1] 24-192
│ │ ├─2012 – Countdown To Extinction [0777 7 98531 1 3] 24-192
│ │ ├─2012 – Rust In Peace (PBTHAL Vinyl Rip) 24-96
│ │ ├─2013 – Super Collider [0602537409563] 24-192
│ │ ├─2014 – Countdown To Extinction 24-96
│ │ ├─2014 – Youthanasia (US B0021521-01) 24-96
│ │ ├─2016 – Dystopia [06025 476 139-4 (3)] 24-192
│ │ ├─2019 – Ellefson (Megadeth) – Sleeping Giants 32-192
│ │ ├─2022 – No More Mr. Nice Guy’89, Hangar 18’90 Europe 2xLP 24-192
│ │ ├─2022 – The Sick, the Dying… and the Dead! PBTHAL 24-96
│ │ ├─2022 – The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead! EU 32-192
│ ├─MQA
│ │ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business…And Business Is Good – The Final Kill [MQA]
│ │ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business…And Business Is Good! [MQA]
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying- [MQA]
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying- (Expanded Edition – Remastered) [MQA]
│ │ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace [MQA]
│ │ ├─2001 – The World Needs a Hero (2019 – Remaster) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2001 – The World Needs a Hero [MQA]
│ │ ├─2002 – Rude Awakening (Live) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2002 – Still Alive… And Well- [MQA]
│ │ ├─2004 – The System Has Failed (2019 – Remaster) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2004 – The System Has Failed [MQA]
│ │ ├─2007 – United Abominations (2019 – Remaster) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2007 – United Abominations [MQA]
│ │ ├─2009 – Endgame (2019 – Remaster) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2009 – ENDGAME [MQA]
│ │ ├─2010 – Sudden Death [MQA]
│ │ ├─2011 – Th1rt3en [MQA]
│ │ ├─2013 – Countdown To Extinction- Live [MQA]
│ │ ├─2013 – Super Collider [MQA]
│ │ ├─2022 – Lamb of God, Megadeth, Dave Mustaine – Wake Up Dead (feat. Dave Mustaine) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2022 – The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead! [MQA]
│ ├─qobuz
│ │ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business…And Business Is Good!
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying (Deluxe Edition – Remastered)
│ │ ├─1986 – Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying (Expanded Edition – Remastered)
│ │ ├─1988 – So Far, So Good…So What!
│ │ ├─1988 – So Far, So Good…So What! (Expanded Edition – Remastered)
│ │ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace (Expanded Edition)
│ │ ├─1992 – Countdown To Extinction (Deluxe Edition – Remastered)
│ │ ├─1992 – Countdown To Extinction (Expanded Edition – Remastered)
│ │ ├─1994 – Youthanasia
│ │ ├─1994 – Youthanasia (Expanded Edition – Remastered)
│ │ ├─1995 – Hidden Treasures
│ │ ├─1996 – Trust (International Only)
│ │ ├─1997 – Cryptic Writings (Expanded Edition – Remastered)
│ │ ├─1999 – Risk (Expanded Edition – Remastered)
│ │ ├─2000 – Breadline EP
│ │ ├─2001 – The World Needs a Hero
│ │ ├─2001 – The World Needs a Hero (2019 – Remaster)
│ │ ├─2002 – Rude Awakening (Live)
│ │ ├─2002 – Still Alive … And Well
│ │ ├─2004 – The System Has Failed
│ │ ├─2004 – The System Has Failed (2019 – Remaster)
│ │ ├─2005 – Greatest Hits Back To The Start
│ │ ├─2007 – United Abominations
│ │ ├─2007 – United Abominations (2019 – Remaster)
│ │ ├─2007 – Warchest
│ │ ├─2008 – Anthology Set The World Afire
│ │ ├─2009 – ENDGAME
│ │ ├─2009 – Endgame (2019 – Remaster)
│ │ ├─2011 – Th1rt3en
│ │ ├─2016 – Dystopia
│ │ ├─2017 – Night of the Living Megadeth – Live in New York City
│ │ ├─2019 – Warheads On Foreheads
│ │ ├─2020 – No More Mistakes (Live 1994)
│ │ ├─2021 – FFF
│ │ ├─2021 – Holy Wars…The Punishment Due (Live at Obras Sanitarias Stadium, Argentina, 2005)
│ │ ├─2021 – I’ll Get Even
│ │ ├─2021 – That One Night Live In Buenos Aires
│ │ ├─2021 – The World Needs A Hero
│ │ ├─2021 – Trust
│ │ ├─2021 – Unplugged in Boston (Live 2001)
│ └─Tidal
│ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business…And Business Is Good – The Final Kill [E]
│ ├─1985 – Killing Is My Business…And Business Is Good! [E]
│ ├─1986 – Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying- [E]
│ ├─1986 – Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying (Deluxe Edition – Remastered) [E]
│ ├─1986 – Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying- (Expanded Edition – Remastered) [E]
│ ├─1988 – So Far, So Good…So What!
│ ├─1988 – So Far, So Good…So What! (Expanded Edition – Remastered) [E]
│ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace
│ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace (Expanded Edition)
│ ├─1990 – Rust In Peace [A]
│ ├─1992 – Countdown To Extinction (Deluxe Edition – Remastered) [E]
│ ├─1992 – Countdown To Extinction (Expanded Edition – Remastered) [E]
│ ├─1994 – Youthanasia
│ ├─1994 – Youthanasia (Expanded Edition – Remastered)
│ ├─1995 – Hidden Treasures [E]
│ ├─1997 – Cryptic Writings (Expanded Edition – Remastered)
│ ├─1999 – Risk (Expanded Edition – Remastered)
│ ├─2000 – Breadline EP
│ ├─2001 – The World Needs a Hero
│ ├─2001 – The World Needs a Hero (2019 – Remaster)
│ ├─2002 – Rude Awakening (Live)
│ ├─2002 – Still Alive… And Well-
│ ├─2004 – The System Has Failed
│ ├─2004 – The System Has Failed (2019 – Remaster)
│ ├─2005 – Greatest Hits- Back To The Start
│ ├─2007 – That One Night- Live In Buenos Aires (Live)
│ ├─2007 – United Abominations
│ ├─2007 – United Abominations (2019 – Remaster)
│ ├─2007 – Warchest [E]
│ ├─2008 – Anthology- Set The World Afire
│ ├─2009 – Deep Cuts
│ ├─2009 – ENDGAME
│ ├─2009 – Endgame (2019 – Remaster)
│ ├─2009 – Holy Wars…The Punishment Due (Live at Obras Sanitarias Stadium, Argentina, 2005)
│ ├─2010 – Rust In Peace Live
│ ├─2010 – Sudden Death
│ ├─2011 – Th1rt3en
│ ├─2013 – Countdown To Extinction- Live
│ ├─2013 – Super Collider
│ ├─2016 – Dystopia [E]
│ ├─2019 – Peace Sells [A]
│ ├─2019 – Warheads On Foreheads [E]
│ ├─2021 – Unplugged in Boston (Live 2001)
│ ├─2022 – Lamb of God, Megadeth, Dave Mustaine – Wake Up Dead (feat. Dave Mustaine)
│ ├─2022 – The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead! [EA]
│ ├─2022 – The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead! [E]





  • 普通用户特权:60积分
  • 会员用户特权:18积分3折
  • 长期会员用户特权:18积分




  • hgyeah 长期会员 2023年1月20日 09:40


  • kage1977 普通 2023年1月20日 08:57

    已购,我需要您收集的您都完成了,感谢,我也履约了哈。另外Michael learns To Rock只需早期3张,91、93、95的,95更重要一些,其它的没必要拿,毕竟这支乐队除了我个人怀旧,也没啥特色(如果有,就是旋律港台化)。

    • 深海 会员 @ kage1977 2023年1月20日 09:02

      嗯,这是很好的现象,某些论坛求资源是10元一张,我并没有那么做,因为你要找的确实是不错的音乐人作品;Michael learns To Rock的真的也就是听个怀旧情怀。

    • kage1977 普通 @ 深海 2023年1月20日 09:16


    • 深海 会员 @ kage1977 2023年1月20日 09:32
