希雅·凯特·伊索贝尔·富勒(Sia Kate Isobelle Furler),1975年12月18日出生于澳大利亚南澳大利亚州阿德莱德,澳大利亚流行乐女歌手、词曲作者,毕业于阿德莱德高中。
1990年代,以爵士乐队“Crisp”主唱的身份出道。1997年,乐队解散,希雅于同年发行首张个人专辑《OnlySee》。2000年,与唱片公司Dance Pool签约,并发行单曲《Taken for Granted》。2002年,获得澳大利亚表演权协会音乐奖“最具突破词曲作者”奖。2004年,希雅发行了个人专辑《Colour the Small One》。2008年,希雅的个人专辑《Some People Have Real Problems》打入了美国公告牌专辑榜前五十。
2010年,在澳大利亚唱片业协会奖上获得“最佳独立发行物”、“最佳流行专辑”以及“最佳音乐录影带”三项奖。2013年,希雅为电影《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》献唱了主题曲《Elastic Heart》。2014年,个人专辑《1000 Forms of Fear》获得美国公告牌专辑榜冠军。2016年,单曲《Cheap Thrills》在美国公告牌百强单曲榜上拿下连续4周的冠军。2017年11月,发行圣诞专辑《Everyday Is Christmas》。2018年,与迪波洛、Labrinth组成音乐组合LSD。


希雅·富勒出生在一个音乐家庭,其父亲Phil Colson是一支摇滚乐队的吉他手、其母亲Loene Furler是一名音乐教师。1994年,希雅·富勒从阿德莱德高中毕业。隔年,她在意大利的KTV遇见了一位DJ,并获得了第一次进入录音棚录歌的机会。在阿德莱德大学学习了一年的意大利语和政治学后,她辍学开始了音乐生涯。


1996年,希雅·富勒加入爵士乐队“Crisp”担任主唱,乐队在1996年和1997年发行了《Word and the Deal》和《Delirium》两张专辑。1997年,“Crisp”解散,希雅单飞并发行首张个人专辑《OnlySee》,然而该张专辑只卖出了1200多张,其中有1000多张是在当时希雅所在的阿德莱德售出的。同年,希雅搬到了伦敦,并成为了英国乐队Jamiroquai的演出伴唱歌手。
2000年,与索尼音乐旗下的唱片公司Dance Pool签约,并于同年推出单曲《Taken for Granted》,该首歌曲进入了英国单曲榜前十。2001年,参与英国Downtempo乐队Zero 7首张专辑《Simple Things》中的歌曲《Destiny》和《Distractions》的演唱;7月,推出第二张个人专辑《Healing Is Difficult》,专辑风格以R&B为主,《Taken for Granted》被收录在其内。2002年,希雅获得了澳大利亚表演权协会音乐奖“最具突破歌曲作者”奖。
2004年,希雅·富勒为Zero 7第二张专辑《When It Falls》中的歌曲《Somersault》和《Speed Dial No. 2》进行了献声;同年1月,发行第三张个人专辑《Colour the Small One》,专辑收录了《Sunday》、《Rewrite》等11首歌曲,专辑中歌曲《Breathe Me》成为了美剧《六尺风云》的片尾曲。
2006年,希雅·富勒成为Zero 7第三张专辑《The Garden》中的御用女声,该张专辑让Zero 7获得了一项格莱美奖的提名。2007年,发行了现场专辑《Lady Croissant》,收录了她于2006年8月在纽约鲍艾里剧场演唱的八首歌曲的现场音频。
2008年,与“星巴克”旗下音乐厂牌Hear Music签约;同年1月,发行第四张个人专辑《Some People Have Real Problems》,专辑与Beck、杰森·李、吉奥瓦尼·瑞比西、奇想乐队等艺人进行了合作,专辑在美国公告牌专辑榜最高来到了第二十六名,是希雅·富勒第一张登上公告牌的专辑。
2009年11月,凭借发行的DVD《TV Is My Parent》获得第23届澳大利亚唱片业协会奖“最佳音乐DVD”奖;同年,参与美国流行女歌手克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉第四张专辑《Bionic》的歌曲创作,还为克里斯蒂娜主演的爱情电影《滑稽戏》创作了主题曲《Bound to You》,该首歌曲入围了第68届美国电影电视金球奖“最佳原创歌曲”奖。
2010年6月,推出第五张个人专辑《We Are Born》,该张专辑拿下了来至少6个国家专辑榜的冠军,该专辑在美国公告牌专辑榜的最好成绩是第三十七名;11月,第24届澳大利亚唱片业协会奖揭晓,希雅·富勒凭借《We Are Born》获得“最佳独立发行物”和“最佳流行专辑”奖,并因歌曲《Clap Your Hands》获得最佳音乐录影带奖。
2011年,与弗洛·里达合作的《Wild Ones》、与大卫·库塔合作的《Titanium》分别在美国公告牌百强单曲榜拿下第5和第7的成绩;同年5月,她成为选秀节目《美国之声》的四位“辅助教练”之一。
2013年2月,凭借《Wild Ones》获得第55届格莱美奖“最佳说唱歌曲合作”奖提名;同年,联手加拿大歌手威肯以及美国DJ迪波洛献唱了科幻动作电影《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》的主题曲《Elastic Heart》。
2014年7月,发行第六张个人正式专辑《1000 Forms of Fear》,该张专辑凭靠五万两千张的全美销量成功拿下美国公告牌专辑榜冠军,这是她第一张公告牌冠军专辑,专辑中的单曲《Chandelier》来到公告牌百强单曲榜第八名;8月,《Chandelier》获得第31届MTV音乐录影带大奖“最佳舞蹈设计”奖;11月,在第28届澳大利亚唱片业协会奖中获得最佳女艺人、最受欢迎发行奖、最佳年度音乐录影带奖及年度最佳专辑四项奖。
2016年1月,发行第七张个人专辑《This Is Acting》,专辑收录了《Bird Set Free》、《Reaper》、《Unstoppable》等13首歌曲,专辑首周来到了公告牌专辑榜第四位;3月,为日本漫改电影《秘密》献唱主题曲《Alive》;7月,与牙买加雷鬼歌手肖恩·保罗合作的《Cheap Thrills》在美国公告牌百强单曲榜上拿下连续4周的冠军,这是希雅第一张公告牌冠军单曲;同年,加盟动画电影《彩虹小马》,为角色“莺歌夜曲”配音,该角色是以希雅·富勒为原型而设计的。
2017年2月,第59届格莱美奖在洛杉矶揭晓,希雅凭借《This Is Acting》入围“最佳流行专辑”、凭借《Cheap Thrills》入围“最佳流行乐队/组合”,并作为歌曲《Try Everything》的创作人入围“最佳影视歌曲”奖;5月,联手英国歌手Labrinth献唱了DC漫改电影《神奇女侠》的主题曲《To Be Human》;8月,加盟黄丽玲(A-Lin)同名专辑《A-Lin》的制作;9月,发行与泽恩·马利克合唱的歌曲《Dusk Till Dawn》;11月,通过大西洋唱片发行第八张个人录音室专辑《Everyday Is Christmas》,这是一张圣诞专辑;同月,凭借其演唱的电影《雄狮》主题曲《Never Give Up》获得第60届格莱美奖“最佳影视歌曲”奖提名。



1997年,希雅与前男友Dan Pontifex展开了环球旅行,男友起身返回英国时,她选择在泰国停留数日,不想期间Dan在伦敦因车祸丧生。男友去世后一周,Sia才得以回到伦敦。这件事让希雅七年都没能从阴影中走出来。
2008年,希雅公开自己是双性恋,并公开了她与Le Tigre乐队成员JD Samson的恋情,二人在2011年分手。
2014年8月2日,希雅与纪录片制作人埃里克·安德尔斯·兰(Erik Anders Lang)在美国棕榈泉举行了婚礼;然而,二人在2016年12月宣布离婚。




2013年,她将与埃米纳姆合唱的歌曲《Beautiful Pain》所得的钱款捐献给洛杉矶同志中心(LA Gay & Lesbian Center),帮助无家可归的LGBT青少年。
2014年,希雅将在澳大利亚唱片业协会音乐奖上获得的四个奖杯作为奖励送给了四位行善举的粉丝,其中一位是英国的广播制作人Wayne Baxter,他在圣诞节时为流浪汉奔走,想办法让他们吃个饱;另外几位则是分别为为癌症儿童特制沙拉、在社区当志工以及捐出员工折扣给需要的人。



│ ├─1997 – Onlysee
│ ├─2001 – Different Gear vs. Sia – Drink To Get Drunk (XPCD1351)
│ ├─2001 – Healing Is Difficult
│ ├─2002 – Healing is Difficult (UK Release)
│ ├─2004 – Breathe Me
│ ├─2004 – Colour The Small One
│ ├─2004 – Numb
│ ├─2004 – Numb (Paradise Soul Remixes)
│ ├─2006 – Colour The Small One (US Release)
│ ├─2007 – Lady Croissant
│ ├─2007 – The Girl You Lost (The Mark Picchiotti Mixes)
│ ├─2008 – Some People Have Real Problems
│ ├─2008 – Some People Have Real Problems (Japan Release)
│ ├─2010 – Clap Your Hands (Single, Promo)
│ ├─2010 – The We Meaning You Tour (Copenhagen 12.05.2010) 2CD
│ ├─2010 – We Are Born (EU)
│ ├─2010 – We Are Born (US)
│ ├─2012 – Best Of
│ ├─2014 – 100 Forms of Fear (Japan)
│ ├─2014 – 1000 Forms Of Fear
│ ├─2015 – Deja Vu (Japanese Edition)
│ ├─2016 – Cheap Thrills (Remixes)
│ ├─2016 – This Is Acting (EU Deluxe Edition)
│ ├─2016 – This Is Acting (Naftamusic)
│ ├─2016 – This Is Acting (Target Deluxe Edition)
│ ├─2016 – This Is Acting DTS
│ ├─2016 – This Is Acting [Japan Bonus Tracks]
│ ├─2016 – This Is Acting [Japan, Monkey Puzzle Records, SICP 4624]
│ ├─2017 – Everday Is Christmas {Japan WPCR-17960}
│ ├─2018 – Everyday Is Christmas (Japan)
│ ├─2019 – Labrinth, Sia, & Diplo present… LSD
│ ├─2021 – Eye To Eye (The Remixes)
│ ├─2021 – Music (Songs From And Inspired By The Motion Picture) {075678645556}
│ ├─2021 – Music [Japan]
│ ├─2024 – Reasonable Woman
│ ├─2024 – Reasonable Woman [Japan Bonus Track]
│ ├─1989 – Manchild (TOKiMONSTA Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2000 – Get Me [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2004 – Colour the Small One (Deluxe Edition) [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2007 – Lady Croissant (Live) [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2008 – Some People Have REAL Problems [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2008 – The Girl You Lost to Cocaine (Remixes) [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2009 – Live from Sydney [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2010 – We Are Born [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2014 – Chandelier (Remixes) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2014 – Healing Is Difficult (10th Anniversary Edition) [Deluxe Version] [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2015 – 1000 Forms of Fear (Deluxe Version) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2015 – Alive (Remixes) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2015 – Big Girls Cry (Remixes) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2015 – Déjà vu [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2015 – Elastic Heart (The Remixes) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2016 – Cheap Thrills (Remix) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2016 – Never Give Up (From Lion Soundtrack) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2016 – This Is Acting (Deluxe Version) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2016 – This Is Acting (Deluxe Version) [HDtracks] [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2016 – This Is Acting [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2016 – This Is Acting [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2016 – Unstoppable [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2017 – Dusk Till Dawn (Radio Edit) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2017 – Dusk Till Dawn [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2017 – Everyday Is Christmas (Deluxe Edition) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2017 – Everyday Is Christmas [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2017 – Santa’s Coming for Us [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2017 – Snowman (Slowed Down & Snowed In Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2017 – Snowman [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2018 – Flames (Remixes EP) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2018 – Here I Am (from the Dumplin’ Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2019 – LABRINTH, SIA & DIPLO PRESENT… LSD [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2019 – That’s Life (feat. Mac Miller & Sia) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – Courage to Change [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – EXHALE (feat. Sia) (Hook N Sling Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – EXHALE (feat. Sia) (Pink Panda Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – EXHALE (feat. Sia) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – Hey Boy [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – Let’s Love (Cesqeaux Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – Let’s Love (David Guetta & MORTEN Future Rave Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – Let’s Love (Robin Schulz Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – Let’s Love (feat. Sia) (Aazar Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – Let’s Love (feat. Sia) (Djs From Mars Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – Let’s Love (feat. Sia) (Vintage Culture, Fancy Inc Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – Let’s Love [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – Riding On My Bike [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2020 – Saved My Life [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – Together [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2020 – triple j Live At The Wireless – Big Day Out 2011 [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2021 – 1+1 (Banx & Ranx Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – 1+1 (feat. Amir) (Banx & Ranx Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – 1+1 (feat. Yandel & Sofía Reyes) (Banx & Ranx Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – a path [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Beautiful Things Can Happen (from the Original Motion Picture Music) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Born Yesterday [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2021 – December’s beginning [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Dynamite (Remixes) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Dynamite [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Floating Through Space (feat. David Guetta) (Hex Hector’s Roller Jam Mix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Floating Through Space (feat. David Guetta) (JIM OUMA Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Floating Through Space [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Fly Me To The Moon (Inspired By FINAL FANTASY XIV) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Hey Boy (The Remixes) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Hey Boy (feat. Burna Boy) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – I think we loved each other [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Missing You [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Music (from the Original Motion Picture “Music”) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Music (Songs From And Inspired By The Motion Picture) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – One Starlight [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Perfume of october [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Pm 07_00 [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Run [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Shadow [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Something I couldn’t say [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Think about U [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Titanium (feat. Sia) (David Guetta & MORTEN Future Rave Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – To you [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Waiting first snow [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – White winter [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – You’re shine brighter than star [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2022 – At the end of I looking at you [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2022 – Courage to Change (Michael Calfan Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2022 – End and start [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2022 – Everyday Is Christmas (Snowman Deluxe Edition) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2022 – Manchild [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2022 – Unstoppable (R3HAB Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2022 – Unstoppable (Slowed & Reverb) [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2022 – Unstoppable (Sped Up) [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2022 – When is your spring day [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2022 – You Get This Reconciled (Salvation Express With Sia) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2023 – All of our time [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Christmas (Lofi Soundscape) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Christmas (Sleep Soundscape) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love (Armin van Buuren Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love (Reasonable Woman Version) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love (Sentinel Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love (Sofiane Pamart Remix) [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love (Sped Up Version) [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2023 – Hass Hass [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2023 – I had U [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2023 – It was you [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2023 – Onset of spring [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2023 – The consolation of dawn [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2023 – When I’m tired and exhausted [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2024 – by chance [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Dance Alone (Kito Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Dance Alone (Ofenbach Remix) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Dance Alone Remixes [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Dance Alone [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Fame Won’t Love You (feat. Paris Hilton) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Happiness [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Hass Hass (Lofi Remix) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2024 – I Forgive You [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Immortal Queen (feat. Chaka Khan & Bianca Costa) [24Bit-88.2Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Incredible (feat. Labrinth) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Night Air [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Reasonable Woman [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Reasonable Woman [amazon] [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Summer Night’s Dream [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2024 – travel [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2024 – tropical night [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2004 – Colour The Small One (UK) 24-96
│ ├─2008 – Some People Have Real Problems (2017R) 24-192
│ ├─2008 – Some People Have Real Problems 24-192
│ ├─2010 – We Are Born 24-96
│ ├─2014 – 1000 Forms Of Fear (Europe) 24-96
│ ├─2014 -1000 forms of fear 24-96
│ ├─2016 – This Is Acting 24-192
│ ├─2017 – Everyday Is Christmas 24-192
│ ├─2017 – Everyday Is Christmas 24-96
│ ├─2019 – Labrinth, Sia & Diplo Present LSD – LSD 24-192
│ ├─2021 – Music (Songs From And Inspired By The Motion Picture) 24-96
│ ├─1989 – Manchild (TOKiMONSTA Remix) [MQA]
│ ├─1989 – Manchild [MQA]
│ ├─2006 – Clap Your Hands [MQA]
│ ├─2008 – Buttons (CSS & Filterheadz Remixes) [MQA]
│ ├─2008 – Buttons [MQA]
│ ├─2008 – The Girl You Lost To Cocaine [MQA]
│ ├─2010 – Clap Your Hands [MQA]
│ ├─2010 – Under the Milky Way (Single Version) [MQA]
│ ├─2010 – We Are Born [MQA]
│ ├─2010 – You’ve Changed [MQA]
│ ├─2014 – 1000 Forms Of Fear (Deluxe Version) [MQA]
│ ├─2014 – Big Girls Cry [MQA]
│ ├─2014 – Chandelier (Piano Version) [MQA]
│ ├─2014 – Chandelier (Remixes) [MQA]
│ ├─2014 – Chandelier [MQA]
│ ├─2014 – Eye of the Needle [MQA]
│ ├─2014 – You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile (2014 Film Version) [MQA]
│ ├─2015 – Alive (Remixes) [MQA]
│ ├─2015 – Alive [MQA]
│ ├─2015 – Big Girls Cry (Remixes) [MQA]
│ ├─2015 – Bird Set Free [MQA]
│ ├─2015 – Cheap Thrills [MQA]
│ ├─2015 – Elastic Heart (The Remixes) [MQA]
│ ├─2015 – One Million Bullets [MQA]
│ ├─2016 – Cheap Thrills (feat. Sean Paul) [MQA]
│ ├─2016 – Cheap Thrills (Remixes) [MQA]
│ ├─2016 – Cheap Thrills Remix (feat. Nicky Jam) [MQA]
│ ├─2016 – Never Give Up (From -Lion- Soundtrack) [MQA]
│ ├─2016 – Reaper [MQA]
│ ├─2016 – The Greatest (feat. Kendrick Lamar) (KDA Remix) [MQA]
│ ├─2016 – This Is Acting (Deluxe Version) [MQA]
│ ├─2016 – Unstoppable (feat. Pusha T & Olodum) (Perfect Isn’t Pretty Mix – Ariel Rechtshaid Version) [MQA]
│ ├─2016 – Unstoppable [MQA]
│ ├─2017 – Everyday Is Christmas (Deluxe Edition) [MQA]
│ ├─2017 – Everyday Is Christmas (Snowman Deluxe Edition) [MQA]
│ ├─2017 – Move Your Body (Single Mix) [MQA]
│ ├─2017 – Santa’s Coming for Us [MQA]
│ ├─2017 – Snowman (Slowed Down & Snowed In Remix) [MQA]
│ ├─2017 – Snowman [MQA]
│ ├─2018 – Helium (Sia vs. David Guetta & Afrojack) [MQA]
│ ├─2018 – Here I Am (from the Dumplin’ Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [MQA]
│ ├─2018 – Step By Step (Amazon Original) [MQA]
│ ├─2020 – Courage to Change (Michael Calfan Remix) [MQA]
│ ├─2020 – Courage to Change [MQA]
│ ├─2020 – EXHALE (feat. Sia) (Hook N Sling Remix) [MQA]
│ ├─2020 – EXHALE (feat. Sia) (Pink Panda Remix) [MQA]
│ ├─2020 – EXHALE (feat. Sia) [MQA]
│ ├─2020 – Hey Boy (feat. Burna Boy) [MQA]
│ ├─2020 – Hey Boy (The Remixes) [MQA]
│ ├─2020 – Hey Boy [MQA]
│ ├─2020 – Riding On My Bike [MQA]
│ ├─2020 – Saved My Life [MQA]
│ ├─2020 – Together [MQA]
│ ├─2021 – 1+1 (Banx & Ranx Remix) [MQA]
│ ├─2021 – 1+1 (feat. Amir) [Banx & Ranx Remix] [MQA]
│ ├─2021 – 1+1 (feat. Yandel & Sofía Reyes) [Banx & Ranx Remix] [MQA]
│ ├─2021 – Floating Through Space (feat. David Guetta) [Hex Hector’s Roller Jam Mix] [MQA]
│ ├─2021 – Floating Through Space (feat. David Guetta) [JIM OUMA Remix] [MQA]
│ ├─2021 – Floating Through Space [MQA]
│ ├─2021 – Fly Me To The Moon (Inspired By FINAL FANTASY XIV) [MQA]
│ ├─2021 – Music (Songs From And Inspired By The Motion Picture) [MQA]
│ ├─2022 – Unstoppable (Clarence Clarity Remix) [MQA]
│ ├─2022 – Unstoppable (R3HAB Remix) [MQA]
│ ├─2022 – Unstoppable (Slowed & Reverb) [MQA]
│ ├─2022 – Unstoppable (Sped Up) [MQA]
│ ├─2022 – Unstoppable (The Remixes) [MQA]
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Christmas (Lofi Soundscape) [MQA]
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Christmas (Sleep Soundscape) [MQA]
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love (Reasonable Woman Version) [MQA]
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love (Sped Up Version) [MQA]
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love [MQA]
│ ├─2023 – Hass Hass [MQA]
│ ├─2024 – Dance Alone (Kito Remix) [MQA]
│ ├─2024 – Dance Alone (Ofenbach Remix) [MQA]
│ ├─2024 – Dance Alone Remixes [MQA]
│ ├─2024 – Dance Alone [MQA]
│ ├─2024 – Fame Won’t Love You (feat. Paris Hilton) [MQA]
│ ├─2024 – I Forgive You [MQA]
│ ├─2024 – Incredible (feat. Labrinth) [MQA]
│ ├─1989 – Manchild (TOKiMONSTA Remix)
│ ├─2000 – Get Me
│ ├─2001 – Healing Is Difficult (10th Anniversary Edition)
│ ├─2001 – Healing is Difficult (10th Anniversary Edition) (Deluxe)
│ ├─2004 – Breathe Me
│ ├─2004 – Colour The Small One
│ ├─2004 – Colour The Small One (Deluxe Edition)
│ ├─2004 – Remixes 1
│ ├─2004 – Where I Belong Remixes 1
│ ├─2005 – Numb Remixes 2
│ ├─2006 – Clap Your Hands
│ ├─2007 – Lady Croissant (Live)
│ ├─2008 – Numb Remixes 1
│ ├─2008 – Remixes 2
│ ├─2008 – Rhapsody Originals (EP)
│ ├─2008 – Some People Have REAL Problems
│ ├─2008 – Where I Belong Remixes 2
│ ├─2009 – Live from Sydney
│ ├─2010 – Clap Your Hands
│ ├─2010 – Under the Milky Way (Single Version)
│ ├─2010 – We Are Born
│ ├─2010 – You’ve Changed
│ ├─2011 – Wild Ones (feat. Sia)
│ ├─2011 – Wild Ones (feat. Sia) (Remixes Pt. 2)
│ ├─2011 – Wild Ones (feat. Sia) (Remixes)
│ ├─2012 – Titanium [Acoustic Karaoke Version] (feat. Sia)
│ ├─2013 – Elastic Heart (From “The Hunger Games Catching Fire” Soundtrack)
│ ├─2013 – Karaoke Hits, Vol. 15
│ ├─2013 – Titanium (Originally Performed by David Guetta) [Karaoke Version]
│ ├─2014 – 1000 Forms Of Fear (Deluxe Version)
│ ├─2014 – Big Girls Cry
│ ├─2014 – Chandelier
│ ├─2014 – Chandelier (Piano Version)
│ ├─2014 – Chandelier (Remixes)
│ ├─2014 – Eye of the Needle
│ ├─2014 – Guts Over Fear
│ ├─2014 – You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile (2014 Film Version)
│ ├─2015 – Alive
│ ├─2015 – Alive (Remixes)
│ ├─2015 – Bang My Head (feat. Sia & Fetty Wap)
│ ├─2015 – Big Girls Cry (Remixes)
│ ├─2015 – Bird Set Free
│ ├─2015 – Cheap Thrills
│ ├─2015 – Elastic Heart (The Remixes)
│ ├─2015 – Golden (feat. Sia)
│ ├─2015 – One Million Bullets
│ ├─2015 – Salted Wound (From The Fifty Shades Of Grey Soundtrack)
│ ├─2016 – Angel By The Wings
│ ├─2016 – Cheap Thrills
│ ├─2016 – Cheap Thrills (Remixes)
│ ├─2016 – Cheap Thrills Remix
│ ├─2016 – Living Out Loud (KDA Remix)
│ ├─2016 – Never Give Up (From Lion Soundtrack)
│ ├─2016 – Reaper
│ ├─2016 – Satisfied (feat. Miguel & Queen Latifah) [from The Hamilton Mixtape]
│ ├─2016 – The Greatest (KDA Remix)
│ ├─2016 – This Is Acting (Deluxe Version)
│ ├─2016 – Unstoppable
│ ├─2016 – Unstoppable (Perfect Isn’t Pretty Mix – Ariel Rechtshaid Version)
│ ├─2017 – Dusk Till Dawn (Radio Edit)
│ ├─2017 – Dusk Till Dawn (The Remixes)
│ ├─2017 – Everyday Is Christmas (Deluxe Edition)
│ ├─2017 – Living Out Loud
│ ├─2017 – Living Out Loud (The Remixes, Vol. 1)
│ ├─2017 – Living Out Loud (The Remixes, Vol. 2)
│ ├─2017 – Move Your Body (Single Mix)
│ ├─2017 – Santa’s Coming for Us
│ ├─2017 – Snowman
│ ├─2017 – Snowman (Slowed Down & Snowed In Remix)
│ ├─2017 – Waterfall
│ ├─2017 – Waterfall (Seeb Remix)
│ ├─2018 – Audio
│ ├─2018 – Audio (CID Remix)
│ ├─2018 – Flames
│ ├─2018 – Flames (Remixes 2)
│ ├─2018 – Flames (Remixes EP)
│ ├─2018 – Flames (Remixes)
│ ├─2018 – Genius
│ ├─2018 – Genius (Banx & Ranx Remixes)
│ ├─2018 – Helium (Sia vs. David Guetta & Afrojack)
│ ├─2018 – Here I Am (from the Dumplin’ Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
│ ├─2018 – I’m Still Here
│ ├─2018 – Mountains
│ ├─2018 – Thunderclouds
│ ├─2018 – Thunderclouds (Lost Frequencies Remix)
│ ├─2018 – Thunderclouds (MK Remix)
│ ├─2019 – Heaven Can Wait (The Aston Shuffle Remix)
│ ├─2019 – No New Friends
│ ├─2019 – No New Friends (Remixes)
│ ├─2019 – That’s Life (feat. Mac Miller & Sia)
│ ├─2020 – Chandelier (Remix)
│ ├─2020 – Cold (feat. Sia)
│ ├─2020 – Courage to Change
│ ├─2020 – Don’t Give Up (9AM Remix)
│ ├─2020 – Don’t Give Up (Bacalao Remix)
│ ├─2020 – Don’t Give Up (Heaven Edit)
│ ├─2020 – Don’t Give Up (Lakros Remix)
│ ├─2020 – Don’t Give Up – Shmuck the Loyal Remix
│ ├─2020 – EXHALE (feat. Sia)
│ ├─2020 – EXHALE (feat. Sia) (Hook N Sling Remix)
│ ├─2020 – EXHALE (feat. Sia) (Pink Panda Remix)
│ ├─2020 – Hey Boy
│ ├─2020 – Let’s Love
│ ├─2020 – Let’s Love (Cesqeaux Remix)
│ ├─2020 – Let’s Love (David Guetta & MORTEN Future Rave Remix)
│ ├─2020 – Let’s Love (Robin Schulz Remix)
│ ├─2020 – Let’s Love (feat. Sia) (Aazar Remix)
│ ├─2020 – Let’s Love (feat. Sia) (Djs From Mars Remix)
│ ├─2020 – Let’s Love (feat. Sia) (Vintage Culture, Fancy Inc Remix)
│ ├─2020 – Love Is a Disappointment
│ ├─2020 – Riding On My Bike
│ ├─2020 – Saved My Life
│ ├─2020 – Together
│ ├─2020 – Together (Initial Talk Remix)
│ ├─2020 – Together (F9 Remixes)
│ ├─2020 – Triple J Live at the Wireless – Big Day out 2011
│ ├─2021 – 1+1 (Banx & Ranx Remix)
│ ├─2021 – 1+1 (feat. Amir) (Banx & Ranx Remix)
│ ├─2021 – 1+1 (feat. Yandel & Sofía Reyes) (Banx & Ranx Remix)
│ ├─2021 – a path
│ ├─2021 – Beautiful Things Can Happen (from the Original Motion Picture Music)
│ ├─2021 – Born Yesterday
│ ├─2021 – December’s beginning
│ ├─2021 – Did You Read My Letter Of Invitation (Salvation Express With Sia!)
│ ├─2021 – Dynamite
│ ├─2021 – Dynamite (Remixes)
│ ├─2021 – Eye To Eye (The Remixes)
│ ├─2021 – Floating Through Space
│ ├─2021 – Floating Through Space (feat. David Guetta) (Hex & Sia In Space Mix)
│ ├─2021 – Floating Through Space (feat. David Guetta) (Hex Hector’s Roller Jam Mix)
│ ├─2021 – Floating Through Space (feat. David Guetta) (JIM OUMA Remix)
│ ├─2021 – Fly Me To The Moon (Inspired By FINAL FANTASY XIV)
│ ├─2021 – Happy day
│ ├─2021 – Hey Boy (The Remixes)
│ ├─2021 – Hey Boy (feat. Burna Boy)
│ ├─2021 – I think we loved each other
│ ├─2021 – Inner Voice Of The Writer (Salvation Express With Sia!)
│ ├─2021 – Missing You
│ ├─2021 – Music (from the Original Motion Picture “Music”)
│ ├─2021 – Music (Songs From And Inspired By The Motion Picture)
│ ├─2021 – One Starlight
│ ├─2021 – Perfume of october
│ ├─2021 – Pm 07_00
│ ├─2021 – Run
│ ├─2021 – Shadow
│ ├─2021 – Something I couldn’t say
│ ├─2021 – Think about U
│ ├─2021 – Time Is Up (Salvation Express With Sia!)
│ ├─2021 – Titanium (feat. Sia) (David Guetta & MORTEN Future Rave Remix)
│ ├─2021 – Titans
│ ├─2021 – Titans (Imanbek Remix)
│ ├─2021 – To you
│ ├─2021 – Trekking Without Any Charts (Salvation Express With Sia!)
│ ├─2021 – Waiting first snow
│ ├─2021 – Wedding Day
│ ├─2021 – White winter
│ ├─2021 – You Are Adamant (Salvation Express With Sia!)
│ ├─2021 – You’re shine brighter than star
│ ├─2022 – And Prabhu Spoke (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – At the end of I looking at you
│ ├─2022 – Courage to Change (Michael Calfan Remix)
│ ├─2022 – End and start
│ ├─2022 – Even In Defeat There Is My Victory (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – Everyday Is Christmas (Snowman Deluxe Edition)
│ ├─2022 – Get out My Face
│ ├─2022 – Give Me ‘DARSHAN’, Oh Compassionate (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – I Get Oscilited (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – Intellect Gets Defeated Faith Wins (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – Intoxicated Illusion May Get Broken, Illusory Life May Get Broken (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – It Is Sustained Only Due to Your Generosity (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – Manchild
│ ├─2022 – Not In A Coma Interest Is In A Full-stop
│ ├─2022 – Not In A Coma Interest Is In A Full-stop (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – Not In Suicide I Have Interest In Life (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – Ornamental Make-up Of Devotion In Unhappiness (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – Questions After Repentance (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – Tears Are Everything (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – The Place Of Pilgrimage Or The Place Of Torchure (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – Then Repetition Of Name Real (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – Unstoppable (Clarence Clarity Remix)
│ ├─2022 – Unstoppable (R3HAB Remix)
│ ├─2022 – Unstoppable (Slowed & Reverb)
│ ├─2022 – Unstoppable (Sped Up)
│ ├─2022 – Unstoppable (The Remixes)
│ ├─2022 – What Kind Of Relationship It Is (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – When is your spring day
│ ├─2022 – Will You Like A Palace Or A Hut (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – You Get So Much Liked That The World Is Not Liked (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – You Get This Reconciled (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2022 – You Performed ‘SADHANA’ But (Salvation Express With Sia)
│ ├─2023 – All of our time
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Christmas
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Christmas (Lofi Soundscape)
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Christmas (Sleep Soundscape)
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love (Armin van Buuren Remix)
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love (Reasonable Woman Version)
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love (Sentinel Remix)
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love (Sofiane Pamart Remix)
│ ├─2023 – Gimme Love (Sped Up Version)
│ ├─2023 – Hass Hass
│ ├─2023 – I had U
│ ├─2023 – It was you
│ ├─2023 – Onset of spring
│ ├─2023 – Step By Step (Amazon Original)
│ ├─2023 – The consolation of dawn
│ ├─2023 – Titanium (Megan’s V3rsion)
│ ├─2023 – Titanium (Remix)
│ ├─2023 – When I’m tired and exhausted
│ ├─2024 – by chance
│ ├─2024 – Dance Alone
│ ├─2024 – Dance Alone (Kito Remix)
│ ├─2024 – Dance Alone (Ofenbach Remix)
│ ├─2024 – Dance Alone Remixes
│ ├─2024 – Fame Won’t Love You (feat. Paris Hilton)
│ ├─2024 – Happiness
│ ├─2024 – Hass Hass (Lofi Remix)
│ ├─2024 – I Forgive You
│ ├─2024 – Immortal Queen (feat. Chaka Khan & Bianca Costa)
│ ├─2024 – Incredible (feat. Labrinth)
│ ├─2024 – Night Air
│ ├─2024 – Reasonable Woman
│ ├─2024 – Summer Night’s Dream
│ ├─2024 – travel
│ ├─2024 – tropical night
├─1989 – Manchild
├─1989 – Manchild (TOKiMONSTA Remix)
├─1989 – Manchild [A]
├─2000 – Get Me
├─2002 – Distractions
├─2004 – Breathe Me
├─2004 – Colour The Small One
├─2004 – Colour The Small One (Deluxe Edition)
├─2004 – Remixes 1
├─2004 – Somersault
├─2004 – Where I Belong Remixes 1
├─2004 – Where I Belong Remixes 2
├─2005 – Numb Remixes 1
├─2005 – Numb Remixes 2
├─2006 – Clap Your Hands
├─2006 – Throw It All Away
├─2007 – Lady Croissant (Live)
├─2008 – Buttons
├─2008 – Buttons (CSS & Filterheadz Remixes)
├─2008 – Remixes 2
├─2008 – Rhapsody Originals (EP)
├─2008 – Some People Have REAL Problems
├─2008 – The Girl You Lost To Cocaine
├─2009 – Live from Sydney
├─2010 – Clap Your Hands
├─2010 – Under the Milky Way (Single Version)
├─2010 – We Are Born
├─2010 – You’ve Changed
├─2013 – Elastic Heart (From “The Hunger Games- Catching Fire” Soundtrack)
├─2013 – Healing Is Difficult (10th Anniversary Edition)
├─2014 – 1000 Forms Of Fear
├─2014 – 1000 Forms Of Fear (Deluxe Version)
├─2014 – Big Girls Cry
├─2014 – Chandelier
├─2014 – Chandelier (Piano Version)
├─2014 – Chandelier (Remixes)
├─2014 – Eye of the Needle
├─2014 – Healing is Difficult (10th Anniversary Edition) (Deluxe)
├─2014 – You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile (2014 Film Version)
├─2015 – Alive
├─2015 – Alive (Remixes)
├─2015 – Big Girls Cry (Remixes)
├─2015 – Bird Set Free
├─2015 – Cheap Thrills
├─2015 – Elastic Heart (The Remixes)
├─2015 – One Million Bullets
├─2015 – Salted Wound (From The- Fifty Shades Of Grey- Soundtrack)
├─2016 – Angel By The Wings
├─2016 – Cheap Thrills (feat. Sean Paul)
├─2016 – Cheap Thrills (Remixes)
├─2016 – Cheap Thrills Remix (feat. Nicky Jam)
├─2016 – Mercy (Piano Version)
├─2016 – Never Give Up (From -Lion- Soundtrack)
├─2016 – Reaper
├─2016 – Satisfied (feat. Miguel & Queen Latifah) [from The Hamilton Mixtape]
├─2016 – The Greatest (feat. Kendrick Lamar) (KDA Remix)
├─2016 – The Greatest (Piano Version)
├─2016 – This Is Acting (Deluxe Version)
├─2016 – Unstoppable
├─2016 – Unstoppable (feat. Pusha T & Olodum) (Perfect Isn’t Pretty Mix – Ariel Rechtshaid Version)
├─2017 – Everyday Is Christmas (Deluxe Edition)
├─2017 – Everyday Is Christmas (Deluxe Edition) [A]
├─2017 – Everyday Is Christmas (Snowman Deluxe Edition)
├─2017 – Everyday Is Christmas (Snowman Deluxe Edition) [A]
├─2017 – Free Me
├─2017 – Move Your Body (Single Mix)
├─2017 – Santa’s Coming for Us
├─2017 – Snowman
├─2017 – Snowman (Slowed Down & Snowed In Remix)
├─2018 – Helium (Sia vs. David Guetta & Afrojack)
├─2018 – Here I Am (from the Dumplin’ Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
├─2018 – I’m Still Here
├─2018 – Step By Step (Amazon Original)
├─2018 – The Girl You lost (Remixes)
├─2020 – Courage to Change
├─2020 – Courage to Change (Michael Calfan Remix)
├─2020 – EXHALE (feat. Sia)
├─2020 – EXHALE (feat. Sia) (Hook N Sling Remix)
├─2020 – EXHALE (feat. Sia) (Pink Panda Remix)
├─2020 – Hey Boy
├─2020 – Hey Boy (feat. Burna Boy)
├─2020 – Hey Boy (The Remixes)
├─2020 – Original (from Dolittle)
├─2020 – Riding On My Bike
├─2020 – Saved My Life
├─2020 – Together
├─2020 – Together (F9 Remixes)
├─2020 – Together (Initial Talk Remix)
├─2020 – Triple J Live at the Wireless – Big Day out 2011
├─2021 – 1+1 (Banx & Ranx Remix)
├─2021 – 1+1 (feat. Amir) [Banx & Ranx Remix]
├─2021 – 1+1 (feat. Yandel & Sofía Reyes) [Banx & Ranx Remix]
├─2021 – Born Yesterday
├─2021 – Eye To Eye (The Remixes)
├─2021 – Floating Through Space
├─2021 – Floating Through Space (feat. David Guetta) [Hex & Sia In Space Mix]
├─2021 – Floating Through Space (feat. David Guetta) [Hex Hector’s Roller Jam Mix]
├─2021 – Floating Through Space (feat. David Guetta) [JIM OUMA Remix]
├─2021 – Fly Me To The Moon (Inspired By FINAL FANTASY XIV)
├─2021 – Music (Songs From And Inspired By The Motion Picture)
├─2022 – Unstoppable (Clarence Clarity Remix)
├─2022 – Unstoppable (R3HAB Remix)
├─2022 – Unstoppable (Slowed & Reverb)
├─2022 – Unstoppable (Sped Up)
├─2022 – Unstoppable (The Remixes)
├─2023 – Gimme Christmas
├─2023 – Gimme Christmas (Lofi Soundscape)
├─2023 – Gimme Christmas (Sleep Soundscape)
├─2023 – Gimme Love
├─2023 – Gimme Love (Armin van Buuren Remix)
├─2023 – Gimme Love (Reasonable Woman Version)
├─2023 – Gimme Love (Reasonable Woman Version) [A]
├─2023 – Gimme Love (Sentinel Remix)
├─2023 – Gimme Love (Sofiane Pamart Remix)
├─2023 – Gimme Love (Sped Up Version)
├─2023 – Hass Hass
├─2023 – Hass Hass [A]
├─2023 – Titanium (Megan’s V3rsion)
├─2024 – Dance Alone
├─2024 – Dance Alone (Extended Mix) [A]
├─2024 – Dance Alone (Gab Rhome Remix) [A]
├─2024 – Dance Alone (Kito Remix)
├─2024 – Dance Alone (Kito Remix) [A]
├─2024 – Dance Alone (Malibu Babie Remix) [A]
├─2024 – Dance Alone (Ofenbach Remix)
├─2024 – Dance Alone (Ofenbach Remix) [A]
├─2024 – Dance Alone (Pure Shores Remix) [A]
├─2024 – Dance Alone Remixes
├─2024 – Fame Won’t Love You (feat. Paris Hilton)
├─2024 – Hass Hass (Lofi Remix)
├─2024 – I Forgive You
├─2024 – Immortal Queen (feat. Chaka Khan & Bianca Costa)
├─2024 – Incredible (feat. Labrinth)
├─2024 – Reasonable Woman
├─2024 – Reasonable Woman [A]





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